The funny thing is that I've seen about 3 episodes of Charmed, but I still tell my friends that like it: "Look,
is nothing but three fairly attractive but as annoying-as-hell people arguing all the time until something bad happens and they're in danger until they say, over and over and over again until you want to shoot them, "The Power of Three will Set us Free" (which, by the way, is one of the worst rhymes I've EVER heard), and then the thing that's put them in danger dies. This, plus really really bad side-storylines about lovers and things."
I hate that show with a huge passion.
Thus far, the rents gotten paid.....although once the power apparently was not.
I disagree, and I think several of the things you describe are inaccurate, but you have every right to hate what you hate.
I am so relieved. I thought I was alone in my desire to avert my ears and eyes from Charmed.
Angel has started being rerun opposite Buffy in the mornings. Today was Ep 1. I had entirely forgotten Wolfram and Hart's big envolvement there. And that delicious scene of Russell and the window. Yummers.
Oh, Lyra, I know I'm a big fat liar and exaggerator. I have a purely irrational hatred for it (mostly because I know far too many people that are like "Buffy is stupid, Charmed is great!"), and I simply overpower them with my argumentativeness.
I'm sure there are parts of the show that don't suck, and if I could ACTUALLY describe seven seasons in one angry paragraph I seriously doubt the show could even possibly still be around. I don't have THAT little faith in the world.
Sorry if I offended, I get worked up easily in the morning.
You know what's funny? I've seen every episode of
ever aired.
Except last night's.
You know what's funny? I've seen every episode of Charmed ever aired.
Except last night's.
With the exception of CC, you've seen last night's ep, then.
So tired of the "We/I forgot what is important, and that's family" every few episodes.
It can't be that important to them because they forget it at least twice a season.
CC is why I'll watch the tape when I get home.
Apparently with a thumb poised over the FF buttton.
I don't know Daniel, if everyone's family was a WHINY as their's it would be pretty easy to FORGET that family is important.
mostly because I know far too many people that are like "Buffy is stupid, Charmed is great!"
Heh. I feel like all I ever hear is "Charmed? How can you watch that insult to women/your intelligence/Holly Marie Combs' career? Buffy is SO MUCH better!" Which is so obvious it's not even really a question, but a)not all TV needs to be great and b)I watch so little TV I get irrationally defensive about the little I do watch. (Seriously -- I think Charmed is the only show I watch regularly right now. There's a bunch of stuff I keep meaning to watch, but meaning to watch does not always, or even usually, translate to "Remembering when it is on and turning the TV on at that time every week" for me.)