I'm just saying, every time we've seen a prophecy, they've come true. I agree it could refer to Spike or some as-yet unsouled vampire. When people try to mess with prophecies, it never works.
I'm with Dana. Whenever anyone tries to subvert a prophecy, either in history or Angel/buffy canon, it comes true anyway. And, often, the attempt to subvert the prophecy causes it to happen.
I'm pretty sure it was not unpleasant to her eyes.
I think you are right. As it was said, I read it as Illyria saying she enjoyed Gunn's physical appearance.
Ack, that pronoun really changes the subtext. Can someone verify this line from the script?
Script says: "Try not to die. You are not unpleasant to my eyes."
Script says: "Try not to die. You are not unpleasant to my eyes."
Well that changes everything. I just didn't get that Illyria thinks Gunn is good-looking vibe. I'll have to rewatch.
Well that changes everything. I just didn't get that Illyria thinks Gunn is good-looking vibe. I'll have to rewatch.
Don't let it trouble your 'shippy little heart Wolfram, she said it the way she'd say a flower was pretty. Now given she has Fred's memories, she does know
how pretty Gunn is--the kind of pretty FFANG just knows is/was under all those layers, somewhere, but...
I just didn't get that Illyria thinks Gunn is good-looking vibe.
Besides the actual words, it wasn't anything in how Illyria said it that really gave me the vibe, I think. It was more Gunn's amused silent beat before he said anything. Tiny, but there. To me, a cute, not really significant touch.
Edited to say that I'm thinking of Illy in more of an Anya way in this scene. In the same way that Anya would say something along the lines of "I like your penis." to Xander. Such a nice, uncensored voice.
I just didn't get that Illyria thinks Gunn is good-looking vibe
I understand this, but... you got an Illyria thinks Gunn is good company vibe instead?
Don't let it trouble your 'shippy little heart Wolfram, she said it the way she'd say a flower was pretty.
Thanks Cindy. Speaking of I/W shippiness, did anyone else notice that Illyria was still crying after Wes was already dead. The acting became the reality. At least in my finale. YFMV.
I understand this, but... you got an Illyria thinks Gunn is good company vibe instead?
Yeah. Like she was saying to Gunn, "you're a pleasant person to be around." He could have looked like Clem, and in my finale she would have said the same line.
Speaking of I/W shippiness, did anyone else notice that Illyria was still crying after Wes was already dead. The acting became the reality. At least in my finale. YFMV.
Yes, it was the expression on her face that broke me. The smile for Wes' sake, but the tears for her loss.
Speaking of I/W shippiness, did anyone else notice that Illyria was still crying after Wes was already dead.
Yes. It was touching seeing her reveal her true feelings that way...