Cindy ... I am intrigued. Do tell.
It wasn't specifically from your post, your post just reminded me, but there were a few funnies and otherwise good lines cut from the script.
You know how Wes sort of wryly told Illyria that she was an
inspirational person?
(Jess, I'm pretty much plagiarizing your journal, here, but...)
At the end of the first Wesley/Illyria scene, right after he gives his speech about Watchers being taught straight away to distinguish between truth and illusion, Illyria had a line that read, "You are not an inspirational person like me."
In the coffee shop scene between Connor and Angel, when Angel is telling Connor about Nina, and Connor makes the crack about full moon love and fur, the script had Angel replying, "There's no fur!" says Angel, "I would never...fur..." before Connor makes the crack about vampires not being jokey.
Also, when they're discussing Connor's resume, and Angel offers to help and Connor says "You girl" to Angel's mention of his own nice handwriting, the script had Angel telling him, "Hey, good penmanship used to be a sign of masculinity." Connor asks, "When, like, in the eighteenth century?" and Angel replies "The latter half."
It pretty much made it to the screen in tact from what Jessica reported in her excellent summaries, though.
I think it was not being unpleasant in her eyes.
I'm pretty sure it was not unpleasant
her eyes.
The artist formerly known as PersephoneMoon! I didn't realize you changed your name. I am pretty out of it. Thank you so very much. ~j
jengod, go here for a good, summary/description.
(Actually, I haven't read the one for this episode, but this person did the wildfeed episode descriptions for years, and was pretty clean in her telling of the story.)
It wasn't specifically from your post, your post just reminded me
Oh, well, then. I'm no longer intrigued. (Kidding)
I think it was "to", too, bt.
ETA: And I love the extended penmanship convo.
I'm pretty sure it was not unpleasant to her eyes.
I think you are right. As it was said, I read it as Illyria saying she enjoyed Gunn's physical appearance.
jengod, I didn't see that Jess linked hers. I did read that one, and it is great and very detailed. There are a few cut lines, but I just noted them a couple of posts ago, and Jess mentions tells what got cut in this entry.
Just so everyone knows, I am turning BRIGHT RED by the fact that my Livejournal has hijacked the thread. I didn't mean to, honest!
I'm just saying, every time we've seen a prophecy, they've come true. I agree it could refer to Spike or some as-yet unsouled vampire. When people try to mess with prophecies, it never works.
I'm with Dana. Whenever anyone tries to subvert a prophecy, either in history or Angel/buffy canon, it comes true anyway. And, often, the attempt to subvert the prophecy causes it to happen.
I'm pretty sure it was not unpleasant to her eyes.
I think you are right. As it was said, I read it as Illyria saying she enjoyed Gunn's physical appearance.
Ack, that pronoun really changes the subtext. Can someone verify this line from the script?