I think it extremely unlikely that any of gus’ family members would come across this discussion. If they bothered to read this thread of “administrative discussions”, they would have had to go through several thousand posts about OTHER things to get to this thread. And yes, I suppose that they would be hurt and angry if they came across this, but the needs of actual Buffistas outweigh the slim chance that the family may see this.
That said, I don’t remember Gus very well, so I don’t have an emotional stake in this at all. What I care about is someone manipulating people that I care about. There didn’t have to be a post about him dying, he just didn’t have to post anymore. Or even that he was checking out of the board for whatever reason. Posting a fake death notice is a deliberate attempt at manipulation. If it is fake, I’m sure that “kimi” or “gus” is quite enjoying this discussion. Which is fine, because I don’t care about them, I care about the people who are mourning right now, I care about the people who are confused, who are feeling torn right now, and even Trudy, who I think is overreacting to a reasonable inquiry.
I think that Ginger’s idea
It is a small possibility that he was quite real but wished to continue to remain anonymous and "Guy Straley" is also a pseudonym.
deserves credence. I’m quite real, but if you looked for me, you wouldn’t find me. Of course, many of you have met me in person, and some of you live in my city, have been to my house, etc. But, that’s a testament to my desire to meet people, I could just as easily never have met people.
And this is very important
If there is no physical "Gus" as previously defined, the entity still existed and was loved. It begs redefinition of the term "real".
yes, there is something to mourn, but the fake death was not necessary.