What a wonderful community this is. It is to be marveled, that such a thoughtful, powerful discussion happens here...including support and dissent. Regardless of the validity or lack there of, of the catalyst, it is a wonder to see the intelligent, caring discourse. Not to mention a perfect grieving arc...
I too googled my brains out yesterday...not because it even remotely occured to me that the announcement was pseudicide (a fascinating term). The fact that it DIDn't occur to me surprises me now. While this is my first (and probably forever only) online community, I have been involved in a number of Munchausen events in real life. As a result, I am generally pretty wary of the fantastical story.
I was mostly charmed by Gus. When I found a set of Felicity screeners (or so I thought) at a yard sale, Gus was quick to claim them. I mailed them to an address I cannot recall. He was gracious about informing me that they were worthless and offered to pay for the shipping. I declined. I felt sort of silly, but thought it was cute that he was so excited about getting them.
His emails came from a gmail account. When I searched on his username this morning, I found a post from him on a 'telecommute...work from home' site. I also found nothing at all on searching "Seamus Straley". Niether is meaningful but still odd.
In terms of the impact of this event/discussion, Beverly pretty much speaks for me. Sometimes life's mysteries remain mysteries. I'm a big fan of closure, but in this case, the closure may just be what we make it.