tommy, do you have any old emails from him. Can you look at the header, and get his IP address?
I think all my emails from him are to my gmail accout, from his gmail account. Is there a way of seeing the source, routing info, etc. for gmail email? I couldn't find it.
I think all my old Gus emails are on my iBook that died. OK, it's probably all backed up but I don't feel like looking through the backups right now.
At the top right corner of the gmail message, there's a wee dropdown, and one of the choices is "show original" -- that'll give you the full headers.
At the top right corner of the gmail message, there's a wee dropdown, and one of the choices is "show original" -- that'll give you the full headers.
Oh, if someone's sending mail from a gmail account - is the IP address even theirs? or it it some gmail server? (Because of it being web-based.)
I think this is the appropriate place to have this discussion. I am glad that we are having it in a dispassionate way.
I did a Google Scholar lookup on "Guy Straley". He's not there.
My father, who published *one* paper, an offshoot of his dissertation, shows up in Google Scholar: his Master's thesis, his doctoral dissertation, and his paper.
My mother's Master's thesis, which has never been referred to in a single academic paper, is in Google Scholar.
Looking at a random gmail/gmail exchange, it looks like it is gmail -- I hadn't even thought to look at that before.
Dude! My brother appears on Google Scholar for his PhD submission on Imagination and Expectation in Reading Fiction. That's so cool.
Dammit, I wish I'd ever published anything! I wanna be on Google Scholar.
I am thankful to see that, well, I'm not the only one who was baffled to find no evidence of Gus on Google.
I had email from Gus, once upon a time, but it was on the old desktop which is now dead.
I'd like to reiterate what Cass said--I liked the Gus we knew, whoever that person may have been. He or she or it was funny and flirtatious and told great stories and challenged us to think and explain and argue, and all of those are good things.
If "Gus" was lying to us all along about his/her/its background, then I'm angry about that. But they weren't a troll, they definitely weren't Mieskie/Shmoker, and they did contribute to the community in a number of ways.
Which is to say, if they're really dead, I will grieve, but maybe a little less for someone who didn't trust us enough to give us some truth about themselves, than I would for the Gus we thought we knew.
(If they're not dead at all, well, I'll just be pissed off. And confused--nobody's asking for iPods here, after all.)
... if that makes any sense at all.
Hey, is there a source online about what happened with Penlind if people want to read about it, or will we have to wait for the book? I just googled and got nothing.