le nubian, I am sorry. I want to add my voice to the You-Did-A-Great-Job chorus. I
that was a pain-in-the-ass ballot, and I know all you really wanted in the first place was to get the white font out of Spoilers 3, and in trying to help the lighter spoiler-seekers in the process, you ended up with a really complex ballot issue riding on your coattails.
Now I've managed to offend you, when I was trying to get people who skipped, to back off of your ballot--a ballot which worked despite my worries before the fact, and their worries after the fact.
Again, I am sorry.
well if you had issues with it, I would have liked to hear it. Hearing about it after that fact doesn't do much good.
All right, what I am going to say now, isn't the point of this post. I am addressing this point of yours, so that you don't think I was biting my tongue in order to later snark about your hard efforts (and I know you worked hard on this), I
present them to you: Topic!Cindy "Voting Discussion: We're Screwing In Light Bulbs AIFG!" Nov 2, 2004 11:17:03 am PST;
Topic!Cindy "Voting Discussion: We're Screwing In Light Bulbs AIFG!" Nov 3, 2004 4:37:48 am PST.
Deena made a similar point here: Deena "Voting Discussion: We're Screwing In Light Bulbs AIFG!" Nov 2, 2004 9:06:06 pm PST.
You made it clear you were aware of these concerns, and said if the results were problematic, we'd deal with it another week. I would have preferred to deal with it all at once, but couldn't think of a valid reason why you shouldn't do it your way. I wasn't going to argue you down. I told you my concerns, and let it go. As we've worked the process since it was implemented, we've found that airing concerns, and then allowing the proposer to do it her own way, is what works best. I mentioned the concerns here in response to DX, only because this became a discussion about process, not as some sour grapes thing.
(I only had a personal interest in the hardcore thread, anyhow.)
I hope there are no hard feelings.
It seems clear that the majority got what they wanted, and that's the only post mortem criterion worth considering.
The lightbulb process worked well with a complex issue I say. Buffista democratic process rocks.
You know, I really don't mind the increase in the politics/issue discussions in Natter, but if other people are getting annoyed by it, I noticed that the moratorium on the last attempt at a politics thread has expired and....
I am not proposing anything.
Thank you for your concern Wolfram. It is pretty much to be expected that Natter would take a tilt toward the political at the moment. It will take a tilt toward the O.C. next week when
Ryan and Seth
declare that
theirs is a pure love.
Many of us are using the blurr our eyes when we can't deal with the political method of reading and skip right to the fun catty exposed breast discussion. Many of us really need to discuss the election issues.
I think everyone is being very gentle and considerate of each other and it makes me proud to be a Buffista.
I think we should give people two or three weeks after the election to get everything out of their systems, then think about proposing a politics thread if the volume doesn't go down.
I'm certain it will go down. I felt better getting some of it out and the discussion here is really worthwhile.
I think individuals are best at figuring out when it's too much to take and taking a break from the discussion when it suits them. The talk goes on and it eventually swings back to more pleasant and easily discussable topics.
I wholeheartedly agree with Laura and Lyra...and Cashmere saves it from sounding like an unfortunately named set of twins, because I agree with her too. I'd have been lost without Natter the last week, but I know the politics will ease down considerably in a bit.
Shirky has a new essay up, "Group as User: Flaming and the Design of Social Software".
Thank you, le nubian. As noted, the ballot was plenty good enough for people to get what they really wanted. There was a definite preference expressed, and it was a tricky juggle all the way through. I really appreciate the time and conscientous effort you put into it.
And now you also know why I was laughing and compared thread proposal to volunteering for the bake sale of doom.