Mmm, Piatti. Sounds good to me.
Anyone interested in Indian food for Friday lunch?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
Mmm, Piatti. Sounds good to me.
Anyone interested in Indian food for Friday lunch?
Speaking of Seattle, should be put together a phone list, cellphones and the like?
Good idea. Also, Deb, I'll be e-ing you later today, once I get a chance.
Do we have a list of arrival/departure times? All the out-of-towners are staying at the Comfort Inn, right?
I'm really going to try to bake lavender shortbread.
(this collection of unstrung sentences brought to you by the plague. or chest & head cold, take your pick. I'd best be better by Friday. IJS)
I'm always interested in Indian food, but I'm not getting in until Saturday.
Are there any plans for Sunday?
Jess, Sunday's the brunch at my place.
Oh yes! Brain like a sieve over here.
Plei, do you still have my flight arrival info?
Does anyone want to plan a movie or dinner for late Sunday? My flight out isn't until Monday morning. Or, the plan could be going to the brunch and seeing what we feel like after.
Also, who should I send my travel plans to? Everyone, or is someone coordinating? I think Lee already has them.
Lyra, I think we're on relatively the same flight schedule, so I'd definitely be up for something Sunday night.
Carolyn (CP) and I don't leave until 11-ish Sunday, so we could be up for dinner or summat.
We arrive at 10:40 a.m. on Friday, and leave at 11:45 p.m. Sunday.
Sounds great, Juliana and Jess. Indian food is always fiine with me.