Signing's at half past seven Saturday night, Lyra, at the humongous Barnes and Noble at University Village.
I am so very much looking forward to this....
Susan! Bring your entire writers group! And Goth!abel!
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
Signing's at half past seven Saturday night, Lyra, at the humongous Barnes and Noble at University Village.
I am so very much looking forward to this....
Susan! Bring your entire writers group! And Goth!abel!
I emailed way too many people my flight times, but I get in Friday night a little before 9:00, and I leave about 6:00 on Sunday night.
How about I make reservations at the Day's inn tomorrow, just to pull a name out of a hat, unless I hear otherwise in the mean time?
We get in early/mid afternoon on the Friday, and leave late Monday morning; it's only a 2-hour flight for us, so Nic can head into work.
Could I get a list of food allergies/preferences/suggestions from anyone thinking of attending Sunday's Halloween Brunch at Casa Marcontell?
mohmlet (at) gmail-dawt-com is good. Nuts, natch, are already out.
Plei, as long as there is coffee, I am good. (as long as I get to pour it.)
Plei, if we're talking lunch, my allergy is pretty straightforward: tree nuts (I'm fine with peanuts and cashews) are the only thing that will hit me in the head just by being there. Any other food allergies I've got are just a matter of avoiding eating them, so really, nuts is it.
Dear me, I am as jealous as a jealous jealous jealous thing who is jealous.
Cindy, can't you leave the bambinos with your honey for a weekend and scavenge some frequent flyer miles from someone?
(Sits with Cindy. Has a feeling this corner is going to get very crowded.)
Ah, deb, I've already thought about it. Money's tight, but even then, it's nothing I couldn't chalk up to an early Christmas present for myself, or whatever. But 10/29 is our 10th anniversary, and also? My kids are so little. I'd feel really badly about missing Halloween (and they'd be crushed), or I'd have to leave so early Sunday, I'd feel really cheated on the trip.
Also? I get panic attacks at Target. I don't think I could fly alone--and I am turning into a pathetic-thing as I type this.