You fucking rock. AFAIK, no one else stepped up to the plate to open their Paypal account, tally funds, volunteer time to work out the aspects of Nilly's visa or insurance needs, etc., etc. All accolades have been deserved.
Whoever brought it to your attention, that you've been perceived as remotely less than awe-inspiring throughout this entire adventure, was mistaken. IMO.
I suspect it was Allyson. Which does not invalidate your point one iota.
I suspect it was Allyson.
Acutally, it wasn't Allyson. But rock verily does our Allyson.
Acutally, it wasn't Allyson.
In that case:
Allyson, as a direct benefiter of your specific efforts, I thank you for making sure that MM and I were able to spend part of her Sabbath with her. And with the other LAistas and being able to see your cute as hell apartment. Without your effort, we might not have been able to see her as much as we did and bask in the Nilly as much as we did.
So, as far as anyone making you feel as though you should apologize for being anything less than A) a great friend and B) a stellar member of this community, *I* apologize on their behalf for not having the clear sight to see that what you did was truly selfless and unique, as are most things that you do for this community and others.
I don't post in here much, but Allyson? Thank you for doing what you do, so well.
t grin
need more stories of Nilly.
I do not need an accounting of money for erika or nilly. Honestly, I only give the money I want to give to people I trust. and only since I have gotten paypal have I been able todo it quickly and get my act together. There have been other things I wanted to give money to but never got around to. Anyway, I appreciate that you think of it( the accounting) Allyson. and I know it is important for fan things. In this case, my gift to you - is take me off your list of people you need to email - unless it is easier for you to email. I won't be looking for it. but if you do send something- cool.
has Nilly shown up on any boards yet?
Damn, I'm really missing Ginger. There've been a couple of observational asides I knew you'd get, and you're not here to tell. Stoopid space-time continuum.
How's Matt, beth? How jet-lagged is someone flying in from the southern hemisphere?
Nilly's probably playing catch up with her family and friends and school. I haven't seen her anywhere abouts.
She said she probably wouldn't be near a computer til Friday.
Can we also make a mention of Halloween in Seattle? Is that still on, still feasible?
Because, either way, if Barnes and Nobles Corporate Fascist HQ in NY agrees with the manager of the University Village store, I'll be kicking off the "FFoSM" tour in Seattle, and the book premieres that weekend. it on? Anyone?
Deb, I am still up for it and planning on it, and I think Juliana is, and Plei of course. Maybe LJ or email would be better for planning though, since I think it will be a very small percentage of Buffistas who will be going.
Lee, sounds good. I'll start with the coordinating at my end (as in, poking the B&N people in the arse with a salad fork) next week, and we can take it to email or to the PF F2F thread for smaller events.