Heather - I have MS Works Database and Access and probably some goofy mac specific thing.
Hurray for Water Treatment!
I really do work for the Sewage and Water Board. At a water treatment plant.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
Heather - I have MS Works Database and Access and probably some goofy mac specific thing.
Hurray for Water Treatment!
I really do work for the Sewage and Water Board. At a water treatment plant.
Huh- the Mac specific one was the one I didn't think I could use since it was Mac specific- so we're all set then. If I do it from home it'll be Access, from work- Mac thingie.
Either should work for me.
I will only call the expensive hotels for more info if I get on a serious roll or get really bored or something.
Do the bars in Minneapolis still close at 1 am?
Nope. 2 A.M., now. We're slowly joining the rest of civilisation.
It was allegedly prettier than Yosemite. They dammed it up. All our water and power come from that dam.
That's not Glen Canyon/Lake Powell, is it?
[link] Hetch Hetchy.
A water engineer friend once organized a multi-day tour for a knot of us of the entire water line to SF from the Water Temples (there are several ) in the Bay Area to Hetch Hetchy, inside the dam, inside the gorgeous rancho perched on the edge (the most exclusive public property in Calif., it has been said; all the governors get to stay there, and the water board, and that's about it), to the ... whatsitcalled ... where the water comes down the shute and makes the electricity - man, that is such a trip, it's kind of like the monitoring station a la The China Syndrome - to the former company housing enclave where we spent the night, and on down to a couple of places downstream.It was a very, very cool couple of days. It is said that Hetch Hetchy water is the most pure to be found anywhere. It abuts Yosemite. Lots of bears, if you are a backpacker. Um, the Peninsula has Hetch Hetchy water, too.
eta: there are shots of the Pulgas Water Temple on the page with shots 121 - 132
Also? The photos are reports are all wonderful. More! have a good weekend, all.
Dare I ask what a Water Temple is?
Theo, the next time you are out this way, remind me and I will take you. The Pulgas Water Temple should not be missed. It isn't the look of the place, tho that is special, it is the sound.
The Pulgas Water Temple always makes me laugh because pulgas means fleas.
In the bay area, the hetch hetcy water (which is at least the city and the northern peninsula is awesome. If you are in the south bay you get San Jose City water which is not so great.
DC water was my least favorite. Terrible. And I'm partial to well water which is what we got at my Gram's place.