[link] Hetch Hetchy.
A water engineer friend once organized a multi-day tour for a knot of us of the entire water line to SF from the Water Temples (there are several ) in the Bay Area to Hetch Hetchy, inside the dam, inside the gorgeous rancho perched on the edge (the most exclusive public property in Calif., it has been said; all the governors get to stay there, and the water board, and that's about it), to the ... whatsitcalled ... where the water comes down the shute and makes the electricity - man, that is such a trip, it's kind of like the monitoring station a la The China Syndrome - to the former company housing enclave where we spent the night, and on down to a couple of places downstream.It was a very, very cool couple of days. It is said that Hetch Hetchy water is the most pure to be found anywhere. It abuts Yosemite. Lots of bears, if you are a backpacker. Um, the Peninsula has Hetch Hetchy water, too.
eta: there are shots of the Pulgas Water Temple on the page with shots 121 - 132
Also? The photos are reports are all wonderful. More! have a good weekend, all.
Dare I ask what a Water Temple is?
Theo, the next time you are out this way, remind me and I will take you. The Pulgas Water Temple should not be missed. It isn't the look of the place, tho that is special, it is the sound.
The Pulgas Water Temple always makes me laugh because pulgas means fleas.
In the bay area, the hetch hetcy water (which is at least the city and the northern peninsula is awesome. If you are in the south bay you get San Jose City water which is not so great.
DC water was my least favorite. Terrible. And I'm partial to well water which is what we got at my Gram's place.
My aunt was all excited to be drilling for artesian water on her property in the Catskills... until it turned out that the local water was heavily sulfur-flavored. Perfectly healthy, but it smelled like rotten eggs! Showers took a little getting used to....
I once spent a summer as a camp counselor in the Poconos where the water was so sulfrous that we had to use all our powers of persuasion to keep the campers from getting dehydrated. With the exception of milk, everything we had to drink came from concentrates and was mixed with the water. As counselors, we got used to it....more or less...but on the 24 hours off we got from Saturday noon till Sunday noon, the first priority was always bottled water, soda, anything that didn't taste like sulfur.
There's a fair amount of places just outside Montreal that have that ass-smelling water. I couldn't drink it, and preferred the smell of me to the smell of it on me.
Cindy, good tip on the pipe-flushing. I seldom remember to do that.
And yes, the greyhound was a poor pupper...and his person was beyond consolation. I think he may even have considered filing suit against the city. Which would not have worked, I imagine, considering the volumes of paper and psas they've published over the last few years.
The dog did not die, but the lead effected his liver function and now he's much 'older' than his age. Sheesh. First, the life of a slave to gambling and now a victim to bad engineering. Poor guy.
Speaking of dogs and F2Fs, Bartleby and I are going to 'Party like a Dog', an event sponsored by www.animalattractions.com'. I'm not exactly in the market for a dating service, but there are so few opportunities to be social with Bboy outside the park. So, off we go. I even washed his collar!
Please say a prayer/incantation for creep-repellant/cool people attraction. We'd appreciate it!
I have well water! I love it.
Heading off to NYC soon. Time to say hello to NYCistas and goodbye to Nilly.
Hope everyone has an excellent weekend!