that's Theodosia, Topic!Cindy, myself, and Nilly.
She does exist! And she looks a bit like Maggie Gyllenhaal.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
that's Theodosia, Topic!Cindy, myself, and Nilly.
She does exist! And she looks a bit like Maggie Gyllenhaal.
Those are awesome pictures. Nora and Tom are so cute together.
I've finally finished writing about my SF adventures in my Live Journal. It's a series of posts and the name is serasempre. Anonymous comments are allowed, so you don't have to have an LJ if you want to mock.
Well, you'll notice there are no photos of thessaly, victor and me, at the same time. Also? Frank was never there when I was, so whether or not I exist is still somewhat up in the air.
I just googled Maggie Gyllenhaal, and...thank you very very much. I don't look much like her face to face, but have decided to pretend I do (now to hack into ophoto and erase the Pillsbury doughgirl Cindy in that first shot). Is that a Welsh last name? Per mum, we have a lot of Welsh blood.
It's funny what seeing photos of internet friends you've never met f2f does to the brain, when you finally do meet. When I drove up to the McWaringle's Monday night, vw bug and Emily were approaching the house. I'd met vw bug and many of the Somervillains once (more than a year and a half ago), but Emily wasn't there. Still, I identified them the moment they came into view. I was relieved too, because I felt like "Good! I get to walk in with people I know." I beeped, waved, and gave them the signal to wait for me. It was only while parking the car that I remembered I barely know these people, and had only met vw bug the once. Then I had to do the awkward, "Um, I realize I've never met you, but thanks for waiting for me" thing with Emily.
She does exist!
The actress Nutty and I hired does great work...
Ellen takes great pictures, doesn't she?
(This doesn't change the fact that I look like I'm on drugs. Despite the fact that I didn't drink anything at the party.)
Ohhhh, such fantastic pictures!
Cindy does exist!!! And she's foamy to boot!
Who is next to Victor on the couch? (The girl, I know DX is on the arm of the couch.)
Tom and Nora are the cutest couple ever. They make me feel all schmoopy just looking at them.
Thessaly is next to Victor on the couch, Nutty is the woman in the chair next to DX.
Oh, good, Cindy's the only one I couldn't put a name to.
Why did I think she was blonde? Why was I sure she was blonde? I feel that my world has been upended. (Okay, that's an exaggeration.)
Oh, God, I hope it wasn't lingering Brady Bunch issues, 'cause that would be really embarrassing.
Heh, I bet it was. Altho? I do not lithp.