It's pretty much next to the interstate, yeah.
There's a streetcar line on Canal, now, though, so walking is not strictly necessary to get to teh French Quarter. Also, free shuttle.
There are a bunch of places in the French Quarter and scattered around nearby that are in that $109 range. I don't have prices for Prom space from them, though.
Crap, you're right. I was thinking it was at the river end of Canal.
t brightly
Walking distance to the Superdome
t /brightly
I was gonna say, streetcar's pretty easy transport and goes pretty much everywhere you'd want to be- from downtown anyway.
Leaving work. Will talk later.
and the bookstore in Faulkner's old place
NO just jumped into the lead for me.
We *definitely* need a picture of that, Lee. Possibly even a picture of you and the ultimate recipient in your matching things-that-match.
I have met Nilly, and assure everyone that she is in fact real, and in America.
Her English is flawless, and she is really just the most adorable person. I can't wait to spend more time with her this weekend.
Also, DebetEsse took actual digital pictures. I cannot speak to when they will be posted.