I have met Nilly, and assure everyone that she is in fact real, and in America.
Her English is flawless, and she is really just the most adorable person. I can't wait to spend more time with her this weekend.
Also, DebetEsse took actual digital pictures. I cannot speak to when they will be posted.
Tonight, Sean. Either that or either I or the computer will end up needing repairs.
Hopefully, this link will work:
Sorry about the having to tilt your head. It is late, and I decided that getting them up (before any Disney pictures get posted. Neener.) was the most important thing.
Yay, DebetEsse! Nilly does exist! All my, "I DO believe in Nilly! I DO believe in Nilly! I DO believe in Nilly"-ing has not gone for naught. Thank you!
DebetEsse - You rock! Thanks.
Yay DebetEsse!
I recognize that apartment! :-)
Yay! Nilly pictures!! Thanks, DebetEsse!
Thanks, DebetEsse, for finally showing that Nilly is not a figment. I know she's not around these days, so someone tell the Empress she's looking great.