OK. What I've got (my brain is draining) for next Friday's spa stuff, since lexine and Teppy are doing lunch with Hec instead:
Nilly (spa toes at least), Jess (spa toes at least), SailAweigh (spa toes at least), JZ (I'm assuming mani-pedi?), Ginger (just manicure, so no spa chair needed), and me (spa chair).
If I am, in fact, forgetting anyone at all? Please to let me know.
And we'll need directions for Jess to get back to sparky's for dinner, in the East Bay, after shopping/sightseeing. I can get her on BART, no problem.
Okay, so all we need to figure out is the time. Maybe leave at 9:00?
So leave from your place at 9?
I just checked and the park is open from 8 AM to Midnight.
Consuela, I'm cooking for Sean, Lee and Jessica.
Ooops. Didn't mean to invite myself to your place, Sparky. Now I feel like a heel.
Pfft, you're not a heel. I'm offering!
ETA: and now I'm just going to email you the address and info without you pinging
Deb, my hands are the utter crap and nothing helps, so pedi alone is fine for me.
Sounds great Deb - after lunch and walking over to Pac Bell Park, I'm assuming (I know, bad habit), that Steph and I will call ya and figure out how to meet up so I can return Teppy and hug everyone.
Hi Lee, I picked up the tickets, all is well.
Yay! Thanks Allyson.
ND, I will talk to Thomash and Nilly, see what time they want to go. Does 9:00 work for you, or did you want to go earlier?
Whatever time is fine with me.