Deb, check Press, and I already figured you in even without a ping, based on your past concert tee enthusiasticalations.
And Deena, yup, got it. I'm'a check with the other local shirt shop to get another quote for comparison, and email everything to the winner first thing tomorrow AM. Thank you so, so much!
Oh, you're welcome. I wish I could do more to help.
Ah, I haven't checked Press (just got back in). Thanks.
ND, I just heard from Allyson, who is buying our tickets. I will give her the money tomorrow, and then you can pay me back on Tuesday.
We need to figure out when we want to leave, and where to meet and such. I don't think Thomash reads this thread, but I will let him know.
I can retrieve Thomash and then come to your place and pick up you and Nilly and then we carpool down to Disneyland.
You know, despite my own inability to bond with amusement parks? I can't wait to hear Nilly's take on it. I'm betting she has a stone solid whale of a good time. Plus, well? Pirates! of the Caribbean, even!
JZ, those shirts sound luscious.
I'm about to jump in car and take trip over to Irving Street, to check out the spas.
Yeah, I can't wait to get a picture of Nilly with Mickey Mouse.
OK. What I've got (my brain is draining) for next Friday's spa stuff, since lexine and Teppy are doing lunch with Hec instead:
Nilly (spa toes at least), Jess (spa toes at least), SailAweigh (spa toes at least), JZ (I'm assuming mani-pedi?), Ginger (just manicure, so no spa chair needed), and me (spa chair).
If I am, in fact, forgetting anyone at all? Please to let me know.
And we'll need directions for Jess to get back to sparky's for dinner, in the East Bay, after shopping/sightseeing. I can get her on BART, no problem.
Okay, so all we need to figure out is the time. Maybe leave at 9:00?
So leave from your place at 9?
I just checked and the park is open from 8 AM to Midnight.