That would require driving down 95? Nuh-uh! (although playing the part of Dave could bring benefits...)
You wouldn't have to come down 95 at all, actually. Coming down 395, we could easily take a quick jog over to Mystic. It will especially be better since you'll be travelling on a weekday. Anyway, like I said, it was just a suggestion. It's just such a gorgeous place to visit with all the tall ships and such.
Sturbridge is also a great trip! Would you be doing that on Wednesday the 25th?
During the day Friday, we have spa visit hopefully late morning (JZ, names of the places near you, pleeeeeeeeeeease? So I can check on how many chairs they have?) After that, whatever people want to do is doable - shopping, lunch, whatever.
I'll try to get 'em at lunch today, Deb. Should you happen to be planning to drive anywhere today, you can check them out yourself -- one is right smack on the corner of 7th and Irving, just up the block from Black Oak Books, and I think has 4 or 5 chairs, and the other is what used to be Just Desserts on Irving near 10th and I think has a big long line of chairs.
I'll be heading ito SF on friday so I will be joining people whereverr they are....
You wouldn't have to come down 95 at all, actually. Coming down 395, we could easily take a quick jog over to Mystic.
But once we get there, how do we continue on to NYC?
Nicole, is the plan for Thursday night still dancing?
Definetly! Not sure exactly where but we have ample time to decide. Any preferences?
Deb, it looks like I will be able to get out there and get the names of both places today at lunch. If they're big enough they'd probably be good options, what with Black Oak and a Noah's right nearby: great books and kosher noshing just a stone's throw away.
And thence possibly to Nordstrom Rack for teeny couture footwear for her super-prettified feet?
And thence possibly to Nordstrom Rack for teeny couture footwear for her super-prettified feet?
Yep! We can do the one in SOMA (and get her a nice kosher munchie lunch at TJ's, which is twenty yards away at, the 9th and Brannan complex), or I can drive everyone to the Metro Centre just south of the City, which also has a Marshalls and whatnot.
JZ, if the former Just Desserts has more than five chairs, that would be my choice. And the neighbourhood's wonderful for wandering.
Sean and I now have firmer plans for Friday-- we are going to drive directly to Oakland and have dinner with Sparky1 (Yay Us!). I will be heading over to SF after dinner, and can meet up with people then.
Deb, can you send me the cell phone list again?