And thence possibly to Nordstrom Rack for teeny couture footwear for her super-prettified feet?
Yep! We can do the one in SOMA (and get her a nice kosher munchie lunch at TJ's, which is twenty yards away at, the 9th and Brannan complex), or I can drive everyone to the Metro Centre just south of the City, which also has a Marshalls and whatnot.
JZ, if the former Just Desserts has more than five chairs, that would be my choice. And the neighbourhood's wonderful for wandering.
Sean and I now have firmer plans for Friday-- we are going to drive directly to Oakland and have dinner with Sparky1 (Yay Us!). I will be heading over to SF after dinner, and can meet up with people then.
Deb, can you send me the cell phone list again?
security guard rearrange our line 3 times. First he wanted us angled one way, then another, then he got out the ropes and rearranged us again.
Man needs a job. Some work to do, I mean, in connection with his job. Sweeping floors, shining latrines, scrubbing floors with a toothbrush. Keep him out of people's hair.
I plan to feed southcats with Deb and Nicole, and otherwise, I am as Teppy, bowing to the will of the people what are present whenever I am. I do want nice long natters with as many people as possible, though not necessarily all in one lump. And there was mention of a walk on flattish terrain through a park with JZ at some point? Yes? Friday afternoon? I misremember. Dancing? Probably not. Hiking SF hills? Not this trip. Shopping? Perhaps, for the company only. I'm not really a recreational shopper, but I'll go along for the company. Wine country driving tour on Sunday? Oh yes, please. Dibs on a seat in Ripper, please. Center back is okay with me if everyone else wants shotgun and/or a window.
Otherwise, I plan to let the hours fall as they will, and enjoy the ebb and flow of my tribe's convergences and reconvergences.
Lee, will do.
And Jacqueline, I've just realised that we ought to do the Rack here in town, since I'll be heading out to the airport to get Laura and Deena, and will need to leave the city at just before 3:00.
Bev, I think the walk through the park was Saturday morning, before the BBQ.
And Mart's going to drive up to the wine country, as well.
'Kay. Will there be cartoons? Emmett sighting? Nebber mind. Whatever comes is good.
'Kay. Will there be cartoons? Emmett sighting? Nebber mind. Whatever comes is good.
Emmett will be with us. Probably on his scooter with the big chimp head that Msbelle sent him. We'll walk through the park and hang at Chez Zmayhem for a bit. See if we've got time (or inclination) to go up Tank Hill or not before the BBQ. We can watch cartoons - Emmett would be more than happy to share his favorite Teen Titans with you all.
I'll have more coffee and tea at my house. You should expect it to be foggy and chill in the morning, though there is a chance we could wake up to a blue sky day. The magic word is...layers.
When we're cutting through the park we'll check out the Consevatory of Flowers, and the lawn bowling and Children's Playground and the AIDS grove and suchlike. The DeYoung museum is in the middle of reconstruction so that will only appeal to those who like big machinery. Lindy Hop in the park is on Sunday, so we won't have the entirely serendipitous thrill of rounding a corner and hearing Louis Jordan and seeing 30 couples jitterbugging in the park.
But once we get there, how do we continue on to NYC?
Train. Seriously. Free parking in Old Saybrook and inexpensive commuter lines down is the only sane way to get into NYC. Plus? Then Nilly would start her NYC adventure in Grand Central Station. Is there any better place?
I'd be happy to either join or take over the Nilly escort from CT to New York if you didn't plan on staying in NYC. Are you staying, or were you planning to go right back to Boston?
And there was mention of a walk on flattish terrain through a park with JZ at some point? Yes? Friday afternoon?
I can do this.
Also, playing catch with Hec.