How was the flight? How is Allyson? How are YOU, aside from being only 500-some-odd miles away?
Also, give Allyson a noodge and tell her I need her address in order to send her some sooper seekrit stuff.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
How was the flight? How is Allyson? How are YOU, aside from being only 500-some-odd miles away?
Also, give Allyson a noodge and tell her I need her address in order to send her some sooper seekrit stuff.
JZ, you have until Saturday to get it to Allyson -- if it may take longer, why not Lee? Also, I think you'll miss the thing for which you might have been aiming timewise either way. Unless you've already sent it, which, unlikely.
I can FedEx it tomorrow morning, to either Allyson or Lee. What day is the mega-swouncy thing happening?
What day is the mega-swouncy thing happening?
Today or tomorrow, I think.
Oh. Rats. I feel the need to take this to e-mail, as I am lacking in crypticality just at present. Insent (li'l short thing, I promise).
Yay, Nilly!
Let me know if my address is needed, JZ.
Yes'm, please.
Wheee! So much vicarious fun.
I don't recall seeing if the Sommervillians mentioned the USS Constitution or the less-historical-but-still-neat New England Aquarium closeby. Just more options for excursion settings.