Quick! To the Batmobile!
Yeah, 'cuz he's always stealing and hoarding the eggs what with that special Bat-Poacher he had installed in the Batmobile. I used to see him driving around verrrrrry careful while he dipped his toast points into the little egg cups for the soft boiled eggs.
Yeah, 'cuz he's always stealing and hoarding the eggs what with that special Bat-Poacher he had installed in the Batmobile.
No, because it's a black car.
No, because it's a black car.
A black car with a Bat-Poacher. Aren't you listening?
Did anyone ever see that cookbook for cooking on your car's engine? I think it's in the same series for cooking in your dishwasher. Seriously.
A black car with a Bat-Poacher. Aren't you listening?
I'm listening to Katie Melua, as it happens. Her life is like a slow train crawling up a hill, no word on whether you could fry an egg on it.
SF caveat -- we do get the occasional freak moment of heat, which is why layers are your friend. An ensemble involving a coat or fairly sturdy jacket, a sweater, and a t-shirt or tank should take you comfortably through just about all our weird little microclimates.
Her life is like a slow train crawling up a hill, no word on whether you could fry an egg on it.
Does she reflect heat or absorb it?
Does she reflect heat or absorb it?
She manages to radiate a fair bit of it, but I don't know whether it's from internal combustion or not.