Just not always the being in the middle of nowhere part.
S'why I left, libkitty. I deeply sympathize.
Yay librarians!!
On-topic: I've got some preliminary offers in from hotels, and the deals are looking pretty good. Go convention-oriented town!
Sadly, I don't think I'll be able to make it to the Nilly-Q. Stupid finances.
My only consolation, juliana, is that I get to see you, even if it's just for five minutes at the post-ceremony party, about three days after the Nilly-Q.
Reminds me, can you link me to the festivities list? tess and I will be sharing a room at the Millenium.
Juliana, I've never done thee before. Did you e-mail or mail? To how many? How many replied? Did you change anything in the RFP?
Did you e-mail or mail? To how many?
I actually got in touch with our Convention & Visitor's Bureau, and the woman who is my contact took down my info and sent out a preliminary RFP to the hotels, who in turn emailed me with their proposals. My contact would have gathered the information if I had wanted it that way, but I wanted to see them for myself.
Reminds me, can you link me to the festivities list? tess and I will be sharing a room at the Millenium.
Woot! I'll be drawing up an itinerary this weekend, and email it to you & Java Cat ASAP.
Got it! And, backatcha twice!
Received and backflung again!
To avoid this devolving into the Heather and -t notification thread, I'm going to just keep a window with my e-mail open.
Getting excited going over the hotels and stuff I looked at the first time around.
wanders around office humming "Iko Iko"
Do we know when we are going to make the decision, or is there a deadline for bids?
Sept. 1 is when we're going to pick the final city.