And Deb ... the woman with a crossbow ... why am I not surprised she also has a blowtorch?
I use it for creme brulee! And singeing chickens for roasting!
Not a weapon, I promise. Far too small to be an effective weapon. But perfect for kashering the inside of my oversized oven.
imagines Deb chasing chickens with a blow torch and then trying to cram them into a toaster
A blowtorch is a perfectly natural implement to have in one's kitchen. (And I'll singe anyone who says otherwise! Ha! See?)
Polter, check the LaGuardia website for transportation. There are shared cabs and airport vans and things like that which can get you almost anywhere in the city. Hardly anybody here has a car to pick up with.
Also, cab into the city? Pretty cheap. For real.
Oh, yeah, chiming in on the NYC airport thing -- I don't think any of the NYCistas have cars. (I don't, anyway. But cabs are very reasonable.)
Also, cab into the city? Pretty cheap. For real.
The site claims $16-26, plus tolls, which is more expensive than the presumably $15 SuperShuttle. Of course, I have no idea where in New York my destination is.
After rummaging through 200+ posts without success, could someone please nilly the Nilly itinerary? Thanks.
P-C, if you're looking at this site, it's a bit out of date. (Subway fares went up from $1.50 to $2 several months ago, and taxi fares went up in May.)
If you're going into Manhattan, you should be able to snag a Share-A-Ride, which lets 4 people going to roughly the same neighborhood share a taxi for a flat rate of I think $15.
If you don't mind an outer borough location, I've got a sofa in Brooklyn you can sleep on. It's an easy trip to my place from LaGuardia -- just straight down the BQE.