Dude. My kosher understanding is shattered. I was so sure the KVH sign up in JP Lick's was, like, the One True Kosher Restaurant sign. It is only one of many many.
(On the up side, Nilly, at least you can get ice cream in Boston.)
(I mean, I'm sure other food items too, but definitely ice cream.)
(Which is the whole point, right?)
Catching up ... yay for Nilly getting her ticket and everything.
And Deb ... the woman with a crossbow ... why am I not surprised she also has a blowtorch?
Okay, I'd really like to book a ticket to NYC (August 26/27-29) soon since the ticket prices have been fluctuating like the stock market, but I have two questions first:
1. Is Thursday 10:45 PM too unreasonable a time to be picked up from LaGuardia? Moreso than, say, Friday 3:41 PM?
2. Would anyone like to offer me a place to stay? I should be able to crash with a non-Buffista if not, but I figure it would be easier for me to join in any group activities.
(Also, Allyson, I'd like to be on the itinerary list, please.)
(Looking at that Kashrus Magazine link more closely, I noticed one symbol that I know some people find questionable. So, I'm not sure how reliable the others are.)
Polter, check the LaGuardia website for transportation. There are shared cabs and airport vans and things like that which can get you almost anywhere in the city. Hardly anybody here has a car to pick up
Hey, Allyson, you mentioned sending Nilly her hosts' addresses etc. Do you need mine?
And Deb ... the woman with a crossbow ... why am I not surprised she also has a blowtorch?
I use it for creme brulee! And singeing chickens for roasting!
Not a weapon, I promise. Far too small to be an effective weapon. But perfect for kashering the inside of my oversized oven.
imagines Deb chasing chickens with a blow torch and then trying to cram them into a toaster
A blowtorch is a perfectly natural implement to have in one's kitchen. (And I'll singe anyone who says otherwise! Ha! See?)