I have met, eaten hummus with, and bantered with him. (Unless she rented a gigolo for the weekend, which is something I hadn't considered until right this moment....hmmmm....)
I met rented DH in Chicago too. I am planning to bring rented Brendon with me.
Brendon has to be fake. No real person is that big.
Brendon has to be fake. No real person is that big.
Dare ya to try to prove that by pulling off his mask.
Well, except for Gus.
I only have this on rumor (he says, despite the fact that he was just declaring Gus' necessary reality last night in Natter).
My fear of The Humans is starting to kick in. Ack.
amych, can I fly with fencing equipment, if I check it?
Love the juxtaposition of those two sentences.
Since I have no fear of the humans whatsoever - I am absurdly social - I reiterate my offer to deal in the stead of anyone truly unwilling.
But I doubt there'll be any fear. As JZ pointed out, everyone knows each other online, or offline, ot both.
I'm either very social, or a total wallflower. I was very happy at the W&H Soulless Social to have been playing the music, it gave me a reason to be there and I didn't have try to be all outgoing.
And you have no idea how difficult it was, finding a film critic gigolo.
My hat's off to you for all the practice it must have taken to get the cute couple act down pat, then. You were perfect together!
If we ever have a f2f in Vegas, I will show all the jokers above how renting a date for a social event should be done.
It looked to me like Matt's on the list twice.