Loving the descriptions, loving it that everybody seems to have such a fabulous time and then some, loving that people took the bother of sharing this fun, inthe middle of it all.
I'm collecting the pictures links, and will post then either in Press or in my town, as you prefer - I have a list of links, anyway. Just let me know.
SA, it's amazing that you actually managed to post pictures from the Prom already! I have my guesses as to who is who from the people who hadn't posted pictures (or not many of them) in the past, but I can't wait for the captioning
t /greedy
I remember that last year, it seemed like the F2F pictures-taking-attendants tried to cover as many bases as possible, with the quick posting of captions-less pictures (much like this year's ND and SA) and later with detailed-captioned ones. I'm pretty sure that this is what will turn out this year, as well. You guys ar the bestest.
[Edit: Also, for some reason, I can't open the slideshow to ND's pictures, so all I can see are the little thumbnails, and I can't even begin to guess who is who in those tiny ones, even with the captioning (the slideshow opens on former pictures-pages linked on that page, so I don't think it's a 100% problem of my computer alone, but I have no idea what's causing it - I'm just being picture-whiney on top of the greedy, so I'll stop now).]
t gronk
Waking up here, trying to gather the will to function after a night to remember. I faded around 1 AM with dancing still going strong, I'm sure that the fun continued! So many wonderful people, so little time to take them all in. Just wait until you see the pictures, people!
Soon, shower and then I'll mosey out in search of food & companionship... maybe vids in the hospitality suite? We'll see. I wonder if people would be interested in going over to the nearby theatre at Union Station to see
Van Helsing,
which sounds to me like it would really be a good group!snark. So many possibilities before The End....
(Prom pics are captioned)
Thank you for the captions DX. I had guesed but wasn't sure in some cases.
Laura's post made my allergies act up.
I had similar problems with ND's pictures Nilly. It took a couple of tries , bu t I could finally get the right group of pictures to show up. I just clicked on the first and manually ran the slide show
SA, DX, and everyone posting (whether pictures or just their experiences during the prom) thank you so much. It's so sweet that you'd take time to do that for the rest of us. You rock. Hard.
Everyone is experiencing a bout of Too Much Candy, thanks to the lovely Teppy who provided us all with the original outbreak. My own happiness soared when Justin Timberlake was on the playlist, and we rocked out to "Rock Your Body."
Did he have y'all nekkid by the end of the song?
Sniff. Lonely now.
Did Cass get her hug from the delurking mothra?
Gronk. Trying to get my act together here. btw, I am leaving from Dulles at 5:20. Anybody going that way this afternoon.
more later....
Morning. More coffee is needed.
Why do teenagers think they are indestructible?
Maria, they believe this because the first sign of true adulthood is the bone-deep understanding that you can die, and someday will. That's why children who have been through things like chemo are so heartbreaking; their awareness of the inevitability of their own death, soon or late, seems so damned inappropriate.
Prom was foamy. My only comment on the pictures is that there are not nearly enough of Raquel. She's drop-dead gorgeous.
And Holli was amazing, as were Lizard and Reema.
Holli was faaaaabulous. RL and Reema just hit the road, and a platoon of us just got back from breakfast in the hotel restaurant.
JenP, Sean (who was injured in the line of duty, poor baby), and Lee all shout hello. We'll be back on the boards too soon...
Not too soon for some of us.
Great pictures, DX.