Morning is here, and I'm waiting for my little coffee pot to make some hot water for tea. And it sounds like it's just about done.
Was up very late last night, though not as late as kilt!man. ND has already had at least person get off an elevator rather than ride up with him.
Also, there is another group staying here, a Baptist youth group from Texas. (Heh...)
I think I slept too late for the zoo trip. Will people be in the hosp. suite if I get there around 11:30?
DX -- wasn't there some church group staying at the hotel in Evanston for the first f2f?
Was there something similar in L.A.?
I'm having the same connection problem as Theodosia. I have tried logical problem solving and random changes of connection settings to no avail.
I was not all that late last night, but that pesky "I actually live in Eastern time" thing caught up with me. I was happy to meet all the Buffistas, who were, indeed, all foamy.
I have drunk all the coffee from the room's coffee pot. I must go forth in search of breakfast and an expedition for the day.
I just booked a hotel room for tonight. I really wasn't planning to, but it just seems easiest in every way.
I just need for P. to get back from his bike ridfe so I can let him know to pack.
Hey Lyra...I'm heading in now. (Also slept too late). Anything I should bring?
Hey Raq ... it looked last night like we were well-shopped.
I'm still at home waiting for P., dammit. Ah well, am packed now, so hopefully I'll see y'all for lunch.
Hair of Doom much?
Bunch of us are all heading out to Georgetown to eat (woo!) and shop; others are out to the museums and malls (by which I meant places you can learn things, not places you buy things. Though you can do both at either).
That was Lee...I'm off!
There was a Catholic group upstairs from the prom in Chicago. Also all the bathrooms were up there, so we had to walk through them to use the facilities. (Considering the drinking going on, people's trips upstairs were not infrequent.)
Plei's corset and my corset were the object of some attention each time we went upstairs; to people's credit, though, they didn't gawk but instead asked questions very politely. It was nice.
Everyone needs to post more! I'm living vicariously here, people. Help a girl out.