Heh. I have no plans for the rest of the day other than "mosey over to the hotel at some point once we've been allowed to check into the hospitality suite", and "get Sean at some point since he's staying here".
However, "clean the house so anyone who sees it isn't screaming in horror" seems to be a good idea too.
There ARE plans for lunch. They are fuzzy, but they are plans.
Oh, sure, hint at fuzzy plans, but don't tell us what they ARE...
I was going to eat breakfast. I'd showered and dressed and gone to the CVS, and was very hungry and poured my milk on my cereal and took a bite and EWWWWWWWWWWWW. Not so much.
So all I've had is strawberries. Not as filling.
Silver Suit & Theremin packed. Cab coming in five minutes.
Later Gators!
Silver Suit & Theremin packed.
I love this sentence. Not enough to have its babies, because they would be too slippery and make eerie noises, but I'd have a torrid affair with it.
I just wanted to say last night was very very fun, Anne rocks, and Miracleman and NoiseDesign should have their own show. And Lee is an excellent guest :-).
Am jealous of those of you who are hanging out all! day!.
If anyone is going to be in Bethesda today, I'm going to be continuing the job hunt there this afternoon. I'll have my cell phone on. Wish I could make it up to the hotel, but I can't until tomorrow.
Maria, insent. So glad you decided to join the fun!
Meanwhile, I hope DC isn't getting the torrential downpour outside my window right now. Blech. Good weather vibes southwestward.
The fuzzy plans are to meet at the hotel in the next hour or so and then, eat stuff.