Friday is when Ann is hosting a welcoming BBQ, fyi. I plan to go to that. Hil, I just checked and no email from you. I'm fading. I hope to be able to use Raquel computer tomorrow, or get a print out of Vortex's list. I haven't had/taken the time to train the cell phone to do voice mail yet, so mine isn't exactly terribly usefule except to call out, right now. G'night all! Sweet dreams of museums.
Almost forgot, this came in from the hotel:
Bring this email in and receive 10% off of your breakfast, lunch or dinner bill as many times as you want to throughout the summer!
Holiday Inn Patio Grill. YOu can probably mention it and get the discount. FYI.
Friday is when Ann is hosting a welcoming BBQ, fyi. I plan to go to that. Hil, I just checked and no email from you.
I thought Anne's barbeque was Thursday? I could be confused. Also, insent.
Anne's BBQ is on Thursday.
I thought Anne's barbeque was Thursday? I could be confused.
You're not confused. Java is. ;^)
I've filled my flask, bought fancy tights, found my tiaras, my clothes are picked out, and I have my computer and ipod ready to go.
Haven't decided about the laptop yet. Is there wireless access for free in all the hotel rooms? That might decide me.
I don't think it is wireless, but there is free highspeed.
t Throws a cable in the to be packed pile.
Just need a normal network cable? Cool!
plans to steal network cable from work
*I* will wear my cherry dress and a hot-pink wig.
You're practically Sydney Bristow already.
Teppy has much better dimples than Jennifer Whatsis does. Also? Teppy doesn't have the chipmunk mouth thing going on.
I do, however, boggle at the pink wig. It's almost too cool.