Hubs and I just spoke to the hotel, and we need to get a little more info from the group. We need the info by Thursday --
The room will have a TV with a cable hookup, but no DVD player or VCR. For about $80/day, we can get either through the hotel (so, $160/day for both).
We can get a mini-fridge for the room for $20/day.
The hotel can arrange chairs for the hospitality suite, but they can't promise comfy chairs.
There shouldn't be any extra charge for liquors beyond the standard for the bar. They'll let us know if there's any extra cost. However, we need to let them know what types we want and any specific brands we may want.
Also, whose credit card will we put the food and bar on? The hotel has JavaCat's card number, but I didn't want to commit her without her ok. I can use my card if need be.
An "action station" involves food cooked in the room. If we want an attendant, we can pay. (In other words, don't worry about this.)
Nominations are now open for additional liquors. Also, any other thoughts on the other issues?
Tequila, and I would be happy to use my card for the liquor if the hotel is okay with that. (I've heard that they might only want to deal with Java.)
eta: if we can wait a few hours for ND to wake up, and weigh in on the subject that might be good, since he is collecting the money.
The room will have a TV with a cable hookup, but no DVD player or VCR. For about $80/day, we can get either through the hotel (so, $160/day for both).
Would it be problematic if we brought our own? Or, you know, a localista was kind enough to bring their own?
And I don't mean we should ask the hotel if it's problematic; I'm asking people's opinions on the ease of smuggling in our own DVD player/VCR.
The only time there's going to be any hotel staff in there (that I can think of) is during food/bar setup for the Prom, so my gut says that sneaking in a DVD player shouldn't be too difficult.
That's what I was thinking -- and I don't really know how the waiters/bartender would know it *wasn't* a hotel DVD player.
You could probably also use someone's laptop.
Can someone Nilly me the info about where/how much to paypal for the prom tickets? (Sorry. I skimmed, and I have like five more minutes that I can be online. I know it goes to ND, but I can't find which email address to paypal it to.)
It's the most recent item in Press, Hil.
Hil, you can PayPal money to ND at
stagesound (at) earthlink (dot) net.
And if we're taking requests for liquor for the bar - ask if they can stock some Tullamore Dew.