I thought that was *mine*....
Lee doesn't seem to want it so I'm pretty sure you've got dibs.
'A Hole in the World'
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
I thought that was *mine*....
Lee doesn't seem to want it so I'm pretty sure you've got dibs.
I thought that was *mine*....
Lee doesn't seem to want it so I'm pretty sure you've got dibs.
Excellent. t /Monty Burns
Yep, it is all yours, Steph.
I get 78 from the headcount (14 localistas + 64 out-of-towners), if that matters. Or are localistas listed twice?
And I will happily drink my share, and possibly a bit more on top of it.
Lyra - If you're looking at the count in this post, all couples are listed twice.
I get 78 from the headcount (14 localistas + 64 out-of-towners),
Lyra, the count on the out-of-towners doesn't start over at one, it continues from the localistas, so the total of both is 64.
Oh -- I thought it started over at one.
My mistake.
I'm not going to be able to chip in for prom until next weekend, as that's when I actually get money and the like. Will that be a problem?
Not a problem SA.
Just to keep folks posted. We're almost to $500 on money collected for the Prom.
I still can't believe that I only met most of your folks for the first time last year!