gah! Can we all agree to turn the prom suite thermostat down until frost forms on the windowpanes? I was planning to wear a frickin' black three-piece suit for Saturday night.
No! It's summer, and time for summery dresses. Summer is warm. Dress for warm weather, dammit.
This is a pet peeve of mine anyway, along the lines of Ronald and Nancy Reagan turning up the air conditioning so they can have a pretty fire in the White House during the summer juxtaposed with their attitude of if you've seen one tree, you've seen them all. Where do you think the cold air comes from? Where do you think the electricity comes from? Then this is the one that just kills me - and so to keep generating the electricity to run the air conditioner to keep you cool, you're going to burn or split things that generate heat. GRRRR. Plant a few zillion sycamore trees in your cities and wear short sleeves!
I need to call the hotel and let them know what time we want the PA in the Penthouse suite for the Prom. What time will the Prom start? ND -- how much time do you need to set things up? By the way, the PA is $150 for the day (I mentioned this earlier, but I think it may have been missed in the budget-making).
Java Cat's rant is mine. Nothing I hate more than having to wear long sleeves and pants inside in summer. Reverse that for winter.
I do think it's *strange that women's formalwear is geared to 80 degrees and men's for 50.
*in that not really at all surprising way; insert feminist tirade about objectification here.
DCistas, if you're looking for something for the Prom, may I recommend the Loehmann's at Friendship Heights? LOTS of pretty dresses ... and not wildly expensive!
I do think it's *strange that women's formalwear is geared to 80 degrees and men's for 50.
I know! One of the best things that came out of the Calif. energy crisis IMO is that at least some office building managers got the cluestick that the thermostat should be higher in the summer than in the winter.
I hope this doesn't come across as picking on anyone in particular, it is a firmly entrenched opinion/position on energy and conservation that just happened to have been twanged by the discussion.
I'm trying to decide whether to hope for a seriously horrible energy crisis in Calif. again or not. On the one hand, crises are not good. OTOH, I'd really enjoy a nice big demonstration that an energy crisis doesn't have to do with which party is holding the governor's office.
I have no problems walking the distance, and am frequently baffled by the resentment some people feel of having to walk the distance of a parking lot, and the viciousness with which people will battle for parking spaces next to the handicapped spots.
As my roommate used to say, "Everyone in this city pays hundreds of dollars for a gym membership, and yet won't walk an extra 50 feet to the store."
In the shrink-to-the-size-of-a-toddler zone?
So what you are saying is that it's all about size for you? Fine. I see how you are.
ND -- how much time do you need to set things up? By the way, the PA is $150 for the day
I can easily do the setup in about an hour. If we've got the PA for the day, why don't we ask for it to be set up two hours before we want to start and that way we've got plenty of breathing room.
This is news?
I'll still be standing over the AC vent. I'll have to use other methods to warm up the goods when they are called into action.
I hope this doesn't come across as picking on anyone in particular, it is a firmly entrenched opinion/position on energy and conservation that just happened to have been twanged by the discussion.
Whereas if I had given that rant, it just would've been because I prefer hot weather.