I hope this doesn't come across as picking on anyone in particular, it is a firmly entrenched opinion/position on energy and conservation that just happened to have been twanged by the discussion.
Whereas if I had given that rant, it just would've been because I prefer hot weather.
I'm torn. I want the warm weather, but right now, the top choice among my dresses for the prom is part velvet.
I guess I'll just hope there are two vents.
I guess I'll just hope there are two vents.
Big ones. Doesn't matter what I wear, I still get warm in a room full of people generating collective body heat. Which is fine, normally. Unless I'm trying to look nonchalantly fancy and non-melty. Which I will be. Trying to, anyway.
Eh. If the room's chilly, I'll throw a wrap on. If the room's hot, I'll change from leather to sleeveless silk. No big.
I have the world's least effective internal thermostat anyway. Add that to perimenopause, and trust me, there is no comfort zone, there is only Zool.
Actually, I hate being too hot, and humidity, YUCK. I think I'm right in your camp with the wacky internal thermostat, Deb. What is Zool? you mean the game?
Java, Zool is a Ghostbusters reference.
Heh. DX is correct: When Bill Murray goes over and finds Sigourney Weaver possessed by an ancient Sumerian spirit called Zool, Minion of Gozer, he demands to speak to Weaver's character, Dana. And this deep growly voice comes out of Weaver's face and says flatly: There is no Dana. There is only Zool.
For quite awhile after the 2000 sElection, my tagline was "There is no 43rd president of the United States of America; there is only Zool."
I can easily do the setup in about an hour. If we've got the PA for the day, why don't we ask for it to be set up two hours before we want to start and that way we've got plenty of breathing room.
Makes sense.
So, people, when does the Prom start?
Don't forget the refrigerator, Deb, when she went to put the groceries away, and there was a miniature temple inside and someone from inside a bright white light said, "Zool!"
"You don't usually see that with a large appliance."
We probably won't get this sort of phenomenon in any refrigerators at the F2F. Probably.
I like hot weather, and I like AC. It's how I am.