Ooh, you know what? I need to find some of the cool Hindi dance music they play at the International House parties here. It's much more fun to dance to than... well, basically everything else they play at all other parties.
Also, there are a couple of Hot Hot Heat songs that are danceable. Hmm. What else...
Hindi dance music is awesome and I love it!!
Hmm...it's looking like I am going to be completely overdressed for Saturday, unless I find something else.
I've got my leather kilt for saturday, but I've not found time to go shopping for any other items for my outfit yet.
I don't think there is such a thing as completely overdressed for F2F Prom, is there? If I had a ball gown, you can bet I'd be wearing it.
Completely what? Aimee's confusing me.
Kristin, what size are you? I could bring a ball gown.
Now I'm confused. I hadn't intended to wear anything particularly different from what I normally wear to the Prom. Is this not appropriate?