The horse scene they TOTALLY could have done for real with a crane and stuff.
And a double -- Orlando had a broken rib.
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
The horse scene they TOTALLY could have done for real with a crane and stuff.
And a double -- Orlando had a broken rib.
It's the same as the theatrical.
In that case, it's probably a resolution thing. Or they cleaned it up on both DVD releases.
Image quality aside, I still can't figure out how he grabs the reins with the back of his hand. Elves must be massively double-jointed.
Injury, scmingury. He is the Jackie Chan of the Elves. He wouldda done it had they asked.
ETA: Broken rib owie. Ok, minus the injury though.
He is the Jackie Chan of the Elves. He wouldda done it had they asked.
Well, he re-evaluated his relationship to his wellbeing, so maybe not.
laughs her own ass off at her fangirly self
Well, he re-evaluated his relationship to his wellbeing
There's a lesson to be learned here, ita.
There's a lesson to be learned here, ita.
Having never broken a bone, much less my back, I think me and my wellbeing are getting along pretty well.
Well, that...then...but....
goes back to her fangurlish giggliness
Oh, I forgot a tidbit I liked from the Weapons and Warfare book.
Pippin is wearing Faramir's boyhood armor in Minas Tirith. Merry is wearing Theoden's childhood armor. I don't know if that's from the book or just backstory that the costumers came up with, but I like it, especially with the Merry and Faramir parallels.
What I am saying is that the reason Film!Faramir is ultimately able to release Frodo to return to his mission is because he does not take the Ring for himself.
Sean, I agree that is an important distinction, but the "ultimately" part and the "sending the ring to daddy so he will be pleased" part are heretical to bug me no end about the treatment of Faramir in the film. He does resist the direct temptation of the ring, although I would argue by succumbing to his weakest character flaw, his desire for his father's approval, rather than power lust. The insidiousness of the ring is that it goes for everyone's weak points. However, I agree that not grabbing the ring counts for something. Just not enough to satisfy me as true enough to the character.