X-posty goodness!
Willow ,'Never Leave Me'
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Katie, you can't see me right now but I'm nodding vigourously at you. Thank you for expressing my Eowyn issues better than I could.
Why don't we wait out the week?
This, too, makes much sense.
Sean Astin was soo adorable and humble on that Bravo thing about being selected as one of the top entertainers of the year: "Seems silly - I can't even sing or dance." Liv Tyler seemed so not humble when she said "This is really humbling." This may have to do with my Liv Issues, though.
This may have to do with my Liv Issues, though.
Did she speak Elvish?
Re: Aimee's whitefont about the death of the Witch King.
Did she speak Elvish?
Thank the lord for small miracles, she did not. Wait, let me amend: They did not show the inevitable part of the interview where she did in fact speak Elvish because even Bravo just can't take Liv Speaking Elvish any.more.
Bravo just can't take Liv Speaking Elvish any.more.
Bravo Bravo!
I notice Orlando and Viggo don't run about talking Elvish all the time.
Liv, babe... You can't actually speak Elvish. You've just never forgotten your lines. And stop doing that thing with your breath when you say stuff in Elvish.
I notice Orlando and Viggo don't run about talking Elvish all the time.
But, oh if they did. The love, it would expound.
But, oh if they did.
And just imagine if it were to each other ...