Aww, but New Zealand also has the weta!
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Oh, I watched from Book to Script last night and I enjoyed seeing two of the other "endings" -- how people would have complained had they actually had endings for each member of the Fellowship. ( It shows Gimli working with a gem and Legolas wandering in an forest. . .perhaps Fangorn? )
Oh, and watch the Cameras doc for sure, especially the bit about Sam's wedding! Let's just say that Sam and Rosie weren't the only two kissing on set that day...
I just about fell out of my chair. I imagine that the RPS folk are having a field day right about now.
Nutty, why is Aragorn lying in that speech? I'd thought it apparent that Sauron didn't have the ring, because then his army wouldn't actually be massing to fight. It wouldn't have to. So things weren't over.
(In the novel, that battle begins with all of the good guys totally convinced they will be slaughtered pointlessly, and nobody questions the idea that Sauron would slaughter a bunch of upstart humans, just for shits and giggles, before going on to stomp the rest of the world with his might.)
In fact, we don't know what the ring would do on Sauron's hand -- in the movieverse, we know it doesn't make him invisible, and we can guess it makes him pretty scary, and have a nice strong swing. There are certain implications that he can make armies quail, but even in the battle at Barad-dur in the FOTR prologue, it is his army (plus him) against the Last Alliance army, and there's plenty of hand-to-hand.
So even if Sauron did have the ring at that moment, his army would probably still have had a major role to play; and I don't think Sauron would bluff that way except he thought he could pull it off -- so both Sauron and the good guys were presumably on the same page, where the necessity of armies is concerned.
Who was it that said that Frodo wasn't dead? Who yelled that?
You mean during the Mouth of Sauron bit? That was Aragorn, right after he lopped off the guy's head just for being lippy. A nice follow-up to his reassurance to Gandalf back in Edoras .
That was the bit.
My recollection of the scene is that the Mouth comes out and says "Ha! We have your little friend, and we're perving with him right now!' Aragorn, reasonably rightly says "Bollocks, but just in case <wham>!" I mean, if I were Sauron, I'd have sent out the message of "I have my ring. Prepare to ..." Wait, I'd have sent no message at all either way. But still. If messaging were happening, I'd have told them I had the ring. Did he?
No, he didn't . . . which probably should have signalled to the quick-thinking that all was not lost.
I had problems with the Voice. His, well, voice didn't seem synched to his mouth very well, and he talked too fast. I was wanting something more lower pitched and ominous, not just smarmy and icky .