Guh. I think I stopped breathing for nearly a minute.
I can't imagine they wouldn't release the extended editions here. The only question now is how hard it will be to get tickets.
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Guh. I think I stopped breathing for nearly a minute.
I can't imagine they wouldn't release the extended editions here. The only question now is how hard it will be to get tickets.
I have a question about the books -- how long is it between when Frodo gets the ring, and he leaves the shire? How long between him getting the ring, and leaving Bag End? Doesn't he move somewhere else first, perhaps change his name?
He is in the process of moving to a little hole in Buckland when they see the Black Riders and leave precipitously.
I think it's something like 50 years between the time that Frodo gets the ring and when he leaves the Shire and MONTHS between the time that Gandalf tells him to leave and when he actually leaves.
YOu're right, ita, Frodo organizes a move to the eastern part of the Shire as part of a plan to quietly get the ring out of the Shire. He even sells Bag End to the Sackville-Bagginses. Merry and Pippin figure something is up when Frodo decides to sell out, but Sam, their primary spy, clams up when Gandalf catches him.
Time frame--a couple/few months between discovery of the ring to removal from Hobbiton. Maybe a bit longer.
Yes, several years between Bilbo leaving and Frodo finding out what the ring is.
how long is it between when Frodo gets the ring, and he leaves the shire?
In the books, it is 17 years from when Frodo receives the ring until the "trial by fire" that reveals it to be the One Ring, then another six months before Frodo leaves the Shire.
I wish I could remember what my primary angle had been in the bet at work. I think I had more time between the Trial and the departure, but months will do. And selling Bag End was definitely not something my co-worker was believing in.
Does Frodo ever use an assumed name?
Yes. Mr. Underhill.
Ta. I was right on that, at least.