Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"?
Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn.
Aragorn: I like "Strider."
Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Is it bad that what he said made perfect sense to me?
JohnSweden, it's hard to admit this, but I can see all THREE of them in a tuxedo with a martini. Then again, I have a prodigious imagination.
Not so much Ozzy, he should be on the wagon, but hey, Jack Black? Why not? He could do 'top ten ways to kill the bad guy's hapless henchmen on a Monday morning.'
Or Peewee could use his Mystery Men superpower to vanquish the enemy without ever using gun. I see possibilities!
Adrian Paul as Bond. Hey, he's got the Connery glower, smolder and gravely voice. He's putatively British. And gods know he can do schtick.
Adrian Paul! My greatest crush turned cautionary tale.
I should confess to my obsession with ponytails and swords...can't explain it. Just gotta give in to it.
And yet, having these to attributes in abundance cannot get me past Adrian's commentaries from the Highlander series, or his non-Highlander work. I guess being slavishly adored by geeky women (um...people I don't want to confess ME) for so long can turn a fella's head. But MAN, his head is so turned as to nearly be twisted off his neck!
Still, he MIGHT could pull off the Bond thing if they made sure he had a sword nearby.
I dunno. After Tracker, he's nothing to me.
Hehehe--I was just watching the BBC interview Dom and Billy before the Oscars (downloaded the clip last night), and Billy mentioned meeting Sean Connery the night before at Bob Shaye's big pre-Oscar party. The interviewer said something about how maybe he could play Bond ("and get another Scotsman in the part"), and Billy jokingly replied that Connery had given him some advice if he wanted the part. Dom immediately filled in the "advice": "Grow a few inches!"
Tracker was indeed a nadir. So bad. So very, very bad.
I can see Billy doing adult roles, but Dom just still strikes me as "kid". I know Billy is considerably older, I guess he just brings that maturity to his roles as well.
Yeah, Adrian Paul's utter inability to act as anyone other than Duncan McLeod would be a problem. Although it might be fun in the Bond series. Cutting off the heads of evil power-hungry madmen, constantly pulling a sword from under his tuxedo jacket, sleeping with every woman in sight (although Bond's probably got that part covered)...
Obviously Connery missed the MI-5 recruiting announcement about height.
But perhaps that doesn't work for MI-6?
Well, I said schtick. Movie Bond has pretty much distilled to schtick, hasn't it?