A local theater troop did all three books as non-musical plays over the course of a year or so. I wish I had seen them--they were highly reviewed by critics.
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
When I told my friends about the musical they thought it was a joke -- now I've sent them the article from the BBC website.
I am very disappointed -- my friends are filking LotR to various Broadway musicals -- I really thought that there were be some good filking action over here. (Of course, am I doing any of it?)
Sumi, you missed all the filking--it occurred back when the musical was first announced. IIRC, it happened when this board was crashed for an extended time, so it went on over at the Peoples Forum.
I have them all on a Word doc, so if you want me to cut and paste them here, I can!
In the meantime, my LotR-geek co-worker who went to the TORN party (and had rockin' seats in the third row!) forgot to take pics, but a friend of hers did. Good ones, too!
In 3.5 hours? Doubtful.
Maybe they'll go the Wagner route and give it a nice 12 hours or so.
LotR actor updates from Wizard News:
Elijah Wood to star in new Comedy-Drama [from Guardian Unlimited]
Fresh from defeating Sauron in The Lord of the Rings, Elijah Wood is preparing to star as an American Jew who searches for the woman who saved his grandfather from the Nazis in Everything is Illuminated.
Styled as a comedy-drama, it will be the first film to be directed by the award-winning American actor Liev Schreiber. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Wood and friends will start work on the film in Prague in June once he has completed work on Hooligans, the drama about, er, hooligans that is currently shooting in London.
Bloom. Orlando Bloom. [from TeenHollywood.com]
Lord of the Rings heart-throb Orlando Bloom is set to be the next James Bond - after Irish actor Pierce Brosnan retires as 007.
The British actor, who played elf Legolas in the JRR Tolkien film trilogy, is in meetings with Bond producers, who are desperate for Bloom to play the ladykilling spy, according to British tabloid, the Daily Star.
A Bond source says, "They are pulling out all the stops to get him.
"Orlando would be perfect for the part as he's got the looks, the charm, the accent and the high profile that would make Bond even more popular.
"They want to move away from the traditional image of James Bond - the older, suave gentleman - and believe a younger, trendier actor will attract friends."
The actor's spokesman said, "No decision had been made about him taking the role."
Elijah Wood did five hours of interviews for new Rings DVD [from BBC Radio 1]
The DVD of the final instalment of Lord of the Rings goes on sale in May. Three months faster than the first and second parts of the trilogy.
It will be around 15 minutes longer than the cinema version with two or three hours of documentary added in. Elijah Wood, who played Frodo, has done his fair share of interviews for the recording.
"I've done about five hours of interview footage... yeah, five hours. Sitting down for five hours."
The young actor himself is looking forward to getting hold of a copy as a piece of history.
"It's nice to be able to show my family and my kids and grandkids what it was like to be a part of something like that."
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King hits shelves on 25 May.
I call bullshit on Bloom. No way Bond would be under 30.
Wait, Teenhollywood.com doesn't practice exemplary journalism?
Also -- BBC1 was confused about the dvd coming out in May -- well, unless the Brits are getting the EE 6 months before us.
Also, it's got more than 15 extra minutes, from all other reports I've read. Looks like someone did very little research for the piece. I assume they're talking about the theatrical edition, and just got the facts mixed up.