Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"?
Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn.
Aragorn: I like "Strider."
Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Heh. Cintra Wilson succombed to LoTR. From her annual Oscar review:
"Lord of the Rings: The Passion of the Frodo" was, for me, a great tool of conversion to Hobbitism. They got me where I lived. I was riveted to my seat for the full three hours; I cried so much that by the end I was holding a cardboard tub of polenta. A wildly ambitious and unbelievably realized monster achievement in the genre of epic filmmaking. Bully for the elves, but it's not like this sweeping win of Peter Jackson's was any great shocker -- certainly nobody needed to watch the dental nightmare that was the 76th Oscars all the way to the end to figure out who was going home with the big jackpot.
An interesting interview with Richard Taylor.
A rather sweet explanation about the rats:
It has literally been since the day that she accepted a present from a spotty brace-faced 13-year-old boy that happened to knock on her front door, that had seen a photo of her in a boarding school and had travelled down on the bus, and accepted two live pet rats, that the bond was forged. At 15 we sat on a hay bail in a hay barn and discussed owning a workshop, and moved on from that point.
When asked for any "dirt" (his response--"Only under my fingernails") and arguments on set:
I might be corrected by someone in the long distant past of my working career but I believe I'm yet to raise my voice in the workshop after 15 years in business. I certainly don't believe I've ever sworn at anyone. I've only ever heard Peter use a swear word twice on set.
In "I'd been wondering" news . . .
The blue medallion Peter was wearing at the Oscars was from and says "Good Luck" on it. People magazine has a closeup of it. Yay, Peter, for supporting the fans.
5-foot long full cast poster
Saruman?! That really surprises me.
(sorry, just catching up after a week away)
The new Entertainment Weekly mag makes a good point--when was the last time you heard a Best Picture producer actually thank the fans during his acceptance speech?
Also, the end of the Oscar wrap-up article was sweet:
Just after 2:30 a.m., when the cameras were shut down, the revelers tucked into bed,the street empty, an the town unwinding, Jackson and Walsh finally headed home, six Oscars richer, seven years of work vindicated quite goldenly, thank you. "Is it over?" Walsh asked her partner as they stepped toward their limo. "Yes, it's over," replied Jackson. "It's over."
The blue medallion Peter was wearing at the Oscars was from and says "Good Luck" on it. People magazine has a closeup of it. Yay, Peter, for supporting the fans.
That's just ... lovely. I'm stuck for words at how cool a gesture that is.
Plus the entire Companionship went to the Onering party before heading over to the New Line bash. Apparently they didn't get to New Line until nearly everyone had gone home.
the entire Companionship
Just the ones that went to the Oscars, right?
My admiration for PJ continues to grow by leaps and bounds.
The more I hear about the people who worked on LotR, the more it sounds to me like the project really became a big-ass fan project. Even though Liv Tyler annoys me, it was still neat to hear how enthusiastic she was about speaking Elvish. People were encouraged to let their geekiness run wild.
Were the stunties at the Oscars? Because they were at the TORN party.