Aragorn and Arwen, two of the elves.
Arrgh. Plus the pic of Aragorn, used to show an elf. Almost as much of a pet peeve for me as misspelling the author's name, which of course the BBC didn't do.
Buffy ,'Showtime'
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Aragorn and Arwen, two of the elves.
Arrgh. Plus the pic of Aragorn, used to show an elf. Almost as much of a pet peeve for me as misspelling the author's name, which of course the BBC didn't do.
Ha! Shows how deeply I read. Or that I consider movie!Aragorn elfier than movie!Arwen.
Isn't Aragorn 1/8th elf or something like that? My knowledge of the whole geneology thing is dim and affected by drink and late hours, but I have some memory of him being a distant cousin of Arwen's. Of course, she's part human, so I guess it could be on that side of things.
Aragorn is all man.
Read that any way you want.
(Okay, like 50 generations back he gets into the elfy territory, but basically, man).
No doubt Nutty will now appear to clarify exactly how many generations back, and who.
I'm now earwormed with Adam Sandler filk.
Aragorn's part Elvish, Arwen is too / together they make one fine-looking Elf.
Aragorn's 5000-years-back grandparents were half-elven.
Is there an Elvish one-drop rule?
Is there an Elvish one-drop rule?
Snerk, no.
... well, I dunno. It's implied that the half-elven prior to Earendil were treated by all as elvish: Dior inherited Thingol's throne, etc. But Elros and Elrond had to make a choice, as did Elrond's children, as to which people they would belong to. I wonder what would have happened if Arwen, Elrohir, or Elladan had had children before Elrond left Middle-Earth.
Dior inherited Thingol's throne
Thingol just sounds like a place-holder name to me, along the lines of whatchamcallit and thingy. I'm sure there's some deep linguistic significance to it, but my brain keeps picturing Tolkien going, "Elf names, elf names, more blasted elf names. What's a good elf name for that one with the throne? Heck, I'll just put in 'Thingol' until I have a chance to come up with something better." My train of thought for the naming of the Sea of Nurnen is similar.
I've started rereading the books, and I'm just about to the Battle of Helm's Deep in The Two Towers. Boy howdy, I'm liking them better this time through. Picturing various pretty pretty actors is only part of it. I don't think I was ready for Tolkien's writing style the first time around.
Thingol just sounds like a place-holder name to me
Thingol's original name was Olwe, I think, but he took a new one when he met Melian and decided to rule errr, memfault, Menegroth, Mindolluin, Me- me- me- Argh. Whatever. The big foresty place in the middle of the map.