Thanks for that, sumi. I loved this bit:
Kilborn: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King,
let's get out and see that thing.
Dom: Yes, cause no one else is!
'War Stories'
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Thanks for that, sumi. I loved this bit:
Kilborn: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King,
let's get out and see that thing.
Dom: Yes, cause no one else is!
Sadly, I expect the scene where Hector takes off his helmet, because it's scaring the baby, and sets it on the floor to do his big speech, probably didn't make it into the script. No blood, you know.
I went through this big mythology phase when I was, oh, seven or so? Must've been around that age, because that's when I named my black kitten Erebus. Anyway, that moment, and then later when they throw him off the wall... I was So Upset.
I just saw it for what will probably be my final time in the theatre.
I had the luxury of being able to look at little things. Also, people's pores, which were not little, because it was on an IMAX screen. Official funniest thing is now Legolas/Aragorn. Especially in the palantir scene, where Legolas is trying so desperately to help him, and once Gandalf has gotten it and everyone but him and his beloved are paying attention to Pippin, Legolas is still holding the fallen Aragorn, one hand on his thigh.
Not to mention his desperation when the troll has him pinned outside the Black Gates. Classic. Also, hysterical.
I know it was mentioned what a dumb idea unhorsing is in front of superior forces. But I'm worried -- what happened to the horses? They're all gone. Also disappearing are corpses.
Every single troll was heralded by Boromir's voice in my head saying, oh-so-put-uponly "They have a cave troll."
I stayed for the credits this time. "Into The West" is a lot less sad that way. I adore all the drawings. I want every single one.
And a dark part of me wondered if there was any Denethor/Pippin. I do not want to read it -- I was just wondering if anyone that could write went there.
I adore all the drawings. I want every single one.
Yes. Me too. Oh what lovely pressies I find here after a couple of days inattention. Pretty, pretty pictures.
Also. I caught a little bit of The Right Stuff on tv tonight, and realized that Viggo reminds me, physically and vocally, very much of that era Sam Shepard.
I adore all the drawings too!
Personally, I think that we didn't see that whole conversation with the Mouth of Sauron -- during which everyone dismounted and the horses fled for safety. . . or something.
Beverly -- yes! That's it -- except I think that Sam Shepard is actually rangier than Viggo.
TORN has pictures.
A decent (if too short) interview with Fran and Phillippa on LotR being a "boys' movie."
So what's with two girls writing a boys' film?
You could almost hear them scream.