Jess, it's true!
I need to find those pics.
Askye -- do you have a link to that vid?
'War Stories'
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Jess, it's true!
I need to find those pics.
Askye -- do you have a link to that vid?
If it's already cut together, why do we have to agonise until November to get it? wahhh!
Ah... Cut together does not mean the digital effects on the new sections are done, nor that the score or sound has been added, so if they were to release the cut right now, all the new scenes that had any effects in them would feature actors talking to empty space, or perhaps even scenes of nothing at all, and none of the new scenes would have any music or sound effects.
...and not-finished product like that can be weirdly awesome. (Or it can totally suck. I saw a screener of the Jodie Foster voice X-Files episode -- Never Again -- before Jodie had come in and recorded the voice, and the person reading her lines was awful.)
Suddenly remembering that for months in the TTT cut, something like "surreal galaxy shit" writ on a black screen was all there was for Gandalf's vision of having died and returned on the mountain. They did get around to filling it in eventually.
From EW:
Back in 2002, in response to a special hobbit plea, director Peter Jackson set up his video recorder in his New Zealand home, lined up halflings Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan, and screened the raw footage of The Return Of The King without a single special-effects shot. "Halfway through they all started to cry, and the kept crying to the very end," he says
Uh, has anyone else heard about Harvey Weinstein sticking his snout into the RotK EE and trying to fuck it up because he wants to farm the SFX out to a cheaper company than Weta?
Someone I went to the Wine Expo with today was talking about this, but it's the first I've heard of it.
Does Miramax have ANY say over any of the release aspects? I just thought this sounded wrong, but I wouldn't put it past Harvey to be an asshat becuase none of his films got decent nominations this year (I suspect acting awards don't count for shit with Harvey).
"Halfway through they all started to cry, and the kept crying to the very end,"
Awww. I'm all verklempt.
Uh, has anyone else heard about Harvey Weinstein sticking his snout into the RotK EE and trying to fuck it up because he wants to farm the SFX out to a cheaper company than Weta?
Sounds pretty bullshit! Like a poorly thought out rumor soup of biggest movie of the year + biggest movie asshole of the moment.
Actually, I heard that New Line were the ones who wanted to outsource the RotKEE, but I think that was just an internet rumor that came out after the TTTEE doc revealed that NL didn't want Weta Digital working on Gollum to begin with.
I'm so glad we're getting the theatrical release sooner than August.
I just saw the movie again yesterday and I cried at the end-credits. Possibly because this was most likely the last time I will see it in the theatre.
Oh, and Singapore is getting encore of the Trilogy (according to TORN).
Perhaps that could happen here. . . with an extended RotK?