I'd think that Elijah has enough work on his resumé to be able to pull off a future, if he gives it a good old college try.
Sean Astin too, though I wouldn't be surprised if he moved towards directing instead.
'Just Rewards (2)'
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
I'd think that Elijah has enough work on his resumé to be able to pull off a future, if he gives it a good old college try.
Sean Astin too, though I wouldn't be surprised if he moved towards directing instead.
Yes, I meant the hobbits. Sorry for the confusion. But I don't think Orlando's gonna be huge, either. He's just too...vacant. Maybe he'll turn out to have Keanu luck, who knows.
Why Billy? Just a feeling. Elijah will always look precious and his face is just too iconic now. Sean was kind of floundering before this. Dom is not that attractive and, well, his one expression is sort of pissy. Billy just seems to have a character actor's face and a very nuanced range. This is all prefaced by IMHO, natch.
I wouldn't be surprised if he moved towards directing instead.
Me neither. But hasn't his acting career been reasonably flat? I mean, other than The Goonies and Rudy, neither of which I've ever seen. So his face meant nothing to me when he was cast.
But I don't think Orlando's gonna be huge, either.
Orlando is huge. Will he be huge in 2005? Who knows. But if he invests wisely, he really doesn't need to be.
Dom is not that attractive and, well, his one expression is sort of pissy.
Hee. I liked him in what I'd seen him in before. He seems to be doing the "star" thing more than the rest.
As for Billy Boyd, I adore him tremendously, and could eat him up entire, which would really mess with his career, so I'll probably not. But what he did in RotK blows me away the most. So I root for him over them all, although he's a shrew-faced wee (hot) man.
The Goonies and Rudy, neither of which I've ever seen.
t buys for ita
<buys for ita>
God, please no. Well, maybe The Goonies, but I will shoot you on sight if you try and make me watch Rudy.
Really? Ok, No Rudy (is it a football movie thing?).
No, it's a tearjerking trailer thing.
I know, with the whole "Pippin does good!" crypoint I have, one might think that short people overcoming might be my cup of tea. But the earnestness the trailers had put me right off my food.
I loooooved Sean Astin in Rudy. Really. I wouldn't see that movie for years for the same reasons as ita, and then I happened upon it and just loved it.
t /big sap
I agree that Dom is doing the Hollywood thing more than any of them, but I also think what will save him, if he doesn't overindulge in his own fame, is that he has a good sense of humor, people seem to enjoy working with thim, and, more importantly, he has been a part of a weekly television series and several long-running plays so he has the whole work ethic thing going for him (in other words, it's not like he just got famous and thinks it's really this easy). Hopefully, anyway. I would love to see him have a decent go at a career.
t /big crush on Dom
I will shoot you on sight if you try and make me watch Rudy.
The end of Rudy makes me cry every single time. He works so hard! And they all band together to make sure he gets to play once! And then he makes a tackle! And everyone cheers for him!
And they carry him off the field. Which NEVER happens at Notre Dame. And he's so small once he gets out on that field with all those players. It's like Lucas but without Waif-Winona and the bleeding head.