And all the ones Imrahil and his peeps ride in on, and Strider's favorite brought down from the north. I think except for Bill the Pony, every horse in the whole fricken story is gray.
'Bring On The Night'
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
And we don't know what color Bill the Pony is.
I love it when this thread gets all Tolkien history geeky. I learn so much that I managed to miss while reading The Silmarillion.
It was difficult to make it through until I got to Beren and Luthien and the House of Hurin. Unfinished Tales is great because of the Hurin backstory.
"Get in the damn boat, Fodo" was my tagline for a while. It's what our friend's girlfriend (now wife) said toward the end of FOTR. She really had to pee.
"Get in the damn boat, Fodo" was my tagline for a while. It's what our friend's girlfriend (now wife) said toward the end of FOTR. She really had to pee.
Thank you! I knew it originated with FotR, but for some reason I associated it with Allyson.
To be fair, it does sound like something Allyson would say.
Actually, she'd probably say "Get your furry Hobbit ass in the fucking boat, Fodo.".
Actually, she'd probably say "Get your furry Hobbit ass in the fucking boat, Fodo.".
We need to videotape her saying "Get your furry quantum ass in the fucking rocket ship, QPB."
it being said that all elves are blond
It says that most elves have dark hair. Legolas in the book is described as having dark hair. Faramir has black hair also.
Mike Martinez or somebody over at Suite 101 did a piece on how old Legolas is. It's never said, but his grandfather was at the Last Alliance smackdown and he wasn't, so he's younger than Elrond. He'd never been to Fangorn or Lorien. I would suspect he's around 1700, but dunno. I always thought of him as a younger son of Thranduil, not the heir. You know, expendable.
Gotcha. So apparently the blond wigs were on sale when it came time to outfit the elves rather than there being a good reason for it.
I'm just glad they left Elrond dark-haired. I believe I saw an early production photo that showed Hugo Weaving in a blond wig. It was positively hideous. Not that some of the other elves looked any better.
So if Legolas is, um, 2000 or so, and Gimli made his appearance after the events in The Hobbit, then I was right when I tch-tched him for calling Legolas "lad". Heh. Point to me. Two points, actually, he called Aragorn "laddie," too.