Played by formerly-Lurtz Lawrence Makoare?
Who also played the WitchKing, so there was the one scene where he was giving orders to himself.
Spike ,'Conversations with Dead People'
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Played by formerly-Lurtz Lawrence Makoare?
Who also played the WitchKing, so there was the one scene where he was giving orders to himself.
sumi, I meant the orc commander in RotK, with what looked like the beginnings of neurofibromatosis on his face and his shoulder, who was played by the Lurtz actor/stuntman from FotR, whom someone upthread mentioned was voiced by Craig Parker.
Oh dear. Was that sentence convoluted enough? The warg-rider guy in TTT --who was also the "They look fresssh!" orc (voiced by Andy Serkis, btw)--I always assumed he had indeed been attacked by a warg, what with the claw marks and missing ear, and just stapled back together. The actor, the skinniest guy PJ knows, he says, has been in all PJ's movies, according to the EE TTT extras.
They were credited as "Cute [Hobbit/Rohan] Children" in FotR and TTT, but I didn't see them in the RotK credits at all. But maybe I just missed it.
I noticed them in the RotK credits, I think as "Featured Children."
No, the commander in RotK was also a warg rider. The pale orc with the deformed face, right?
Anne, back to the elven cloaks, got nothing new for you. The Te Papa Museum has a Lord of the Rings store that sells cloaks (not elven cloaks unfortunately) and scarves and throws made out of fabric woven by Stansborough Weavers. They are located in Auckland, so pricey.
There's a Yahoo group for LOTR costumes also. I don't know if they'll ever give away the secret of the elven wool, but it can't hurt to ask. A lot of it is in the Stansborough Gotland sheep and their particular wool.
I like this Viggo Billy story.
Dear heaven, the cloak fabric scarf is $99!
sumi, sorry. Yes, the big pale orc in RotK with the deformed face. He may have been one of the orc riders in TTT, and actually he did ride a warg in RotK, through the ranks while they waited to attack. But he wasn't played by the same actor who played the warg rider in TTT whose mount took Aragorn over the cliff. He was played by LM, who played Lurtz and the Witch King in FotR. LM didn't work much (if at all) in TTT because he was off being in a Bond movie.
Well, I figure that if he rides an warg, he's a warg-rider. But perhaps his deformities were a continuation of the deterioration that they wanted the orcs and uruks to display from one film to the next.
He was pretty disgusting, it's true. Oooh, nice post number, sumi!
Viggo continues to weird me out. I'm sure he's great, and it's just a me issue, but still.