Which is sort of ironic on Bean's behalf, since the film version of Boromir was so much more sympathetic a character than book-Boromir. He probably thought he'd be playing another heavy--his stock in trade since he's aged past Sharpe-style heroic leads.
'Get It Done'
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
I wouldn't be surprised if he made a conscious decision not to read the books.
I hadn't seen Kathy's post. This makes more sense. I wonder if he is planning on it then.
I do remember every Tom, Dick and Mablung interviewed in the press making offhand remarks about this and that bit of canon,
I just want to express my undying admiration for Nutty.
That is all.
I just want to express my undying admiration for Nutty.
I found her first!
Well, I don't know why, but I will take all the admiration I can get. Mwah. (Actually the instance I was thinking of was Karl Urban in Entertainment Weekly, making gross jokes about what it means to "despoil" a orc's corpse. So, don't admire me that much!)
have hair transplanted to the tops of his feet,
Um, yuck?
I'm sure the reverse has happened, and some poor slob is running around with foot (or crotch) hairs be-crowning his bald little pate.
Um, double yuck?
Triple yuck, if you get to thinking about the expression of someone smelling "like feet, mixed in ass".
I'm still slightly impressed by the hobbit lass at Trilogy Tuesday. All the other women in costume (save one) went for the sexy/attractive, and then there's this girl who's glued pubic hair to her feet.
And now someone will post how actually pubic hair on the feet is v.sexy.
I love that the Topps card for Figwit says "Figwit."
I love that the Topps card for Figwit says "Figwit."
Hee. Me too.
I finally saw RoTK (and skipped a bunch of posts here).
I'd read a lot of the reactions posted here after the movie first came out so I knew what to expect. I thought I'd be teary during most of Sam's big scenes but I wasn't. I made the mistake of getting a drink, well I needed one because I've been coughing, but then I drank too much of it.
The theater was mostly empty when we (my brother and I) saw it but there were some vocal fans near us that cheered during several of the battle scenes and laughed and clapped for Sam.
I yelped when Shelob showed up.
The two places I did get teary were when Sam carried Frodo and also when the Riders of Rohan showed up at the battle and started yelling. Actually during TTT I got teary when Gandalf showed up with the Riders and they charged down the hill. Something about seeing horses into battle I suppose.
I loved all the various creatures and monsters that showed up, I want to see it again just so I can watch that.
My brother made some remarks about having to see the sappy false endings again.
And I'm going to have to take back what I've said about not seeing the HoYAY in the movies, I don't know if it's the exposure of time or what but Pippin/Merry scenes just screamed "they are a couple!"
Some Sam/Frodo scenes but nothing like Merry/Pippin.