PJ was the big guy with the whip on the deck of the Corsair ship.
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Our crowd was awesome for the films--and there were so many crowd-cheering moments in the film that when I wasn't crying, I was smiling.
I didn't manage to spot PJ in this one.
We got a cool Trilogy Tuesday gift from WETA--a small molded frame with a single piece of film from each movie. Mine has Bilbo at the Party, Aragorn killing an Orc and Gandalf and Pippin entering Denothor's chamber. So fucking cool.
I also won the battle of my pregnant bladder--I made several trips during the first two films but was so engrossed in RotK that I didn't have to go a single time. And that was on top of the giant soda with free refills the whole night!
PJ is like a god to me.
Ah, right. I remember. More hair and makeup than normal.
I'd also like to note for the record that LieseS is a goddess for selling me her Trilogy Tuesday tickets. It is an experience I will always cherish.
There's no doubt that PJ's sense of humor, etc, is more in tune with the viewing audience than mine, and if I compare movies to books, then yeah, I would've done it differently. Maybe not better, but differently. But from a completely movie-only standpoint, I felt the screenplay had some weaknesses. Like Jess said, these will probably be rectified in the EE, but I think that's cheating.
For example: (spoiler font, GO!)
What happened to the other 8 Nazgul? They didn't just run home like the troll or fall into a chasm.
Why the big buildup for Faramir with no real resolution?
How did Merry go from dying on the battlefield to riding to the Morannen?
The whole story arc with Arwen made not one bit of sense. She's suddenly tied to the ring? She's suddenly actually dying and not just mortal? If that's true, shouldn't she have married Frodo or Sam, since they took direct action against the ring?
What happened to the one-eyed piggy orc commander?
Some of these may be actually answered in the movie, and I just missed it because it had been a long day. Fortunately I get to see it again Friday!
I do think that the ultimate message was that good leaders have beards.
Oh, and my little frame thing had Frodo, Gandalf and the Gang of Three in Fangorn, and Pippin on the balcony.
You are all making me so jealous. I'm so sad I have to wait for my 10-year-old nephew to "surprise" me with RotK tickets for Christmas!
Ah, right. I remember. More hair and makeup than normal.
More hair than normal? How could that be possible?!
1 - Presumably, their power was also tied to the One Ring, and so they all fizzled out when the Eye did. Also, they're scared of birds.
2 - EE
3 - Superpowers.
4 - That would be my biggest "the FUCK?" moment, too. Especially as there was one line about it, and then no resolution until she shows up, not dying anymore, at the end. WhatEVer.
5 - Killed by the Paths of the Dead army is my guess.
Regarding Sauron's destruction, I can't have been the only one laughing hysterically at the Eye looking around all panicky as Barad-Dur collapsed. It just looked so silly.
Kat beat me to the more hair snark.
edit to avoid cereal: My most serious jealousy is reserved, not for the folks who've already seen it, but for my friends who are leaving for New Zealand today. Harumph.