Mucho thanks, Beverly. BTW, there is a box on its way to you right now.
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
From this page you can find links to cloak photos, and some closeups. I'd do more search, but I have to jump in and out of the shower and run off to have my mammogram.
Yes, I've been repressing. Cloak search MUCH more fun!
a box on its way to you right now.
Ooh! Wheee! Thanks. I'll get them back to you ASAP.
I didn't know jack about Lord Of The Rings at all before embarking on my viewing of the Trilogy and was glad I didn't. How do the movies compare to the books? I highly doubt that any written passage could do justice to how damn sexy they all are.
They couldn't have got rid of Gollum fast enough for me. Guy just got on my nerves about half way through TTT.
Hmm. It appears to be a simple enough tweed. I'm not crazy about the color--it doesn't look elven enough, IMO. They should be a subtle, luminous gray that iridesces slightly to green or brown.
pondering, and making a shopping list for the MD Sheep & Wool festival....
The apple bit: did you listen to the Design Team commentary? Amusing non-floaty apple story there.
Also - so hoping there is an apple gag in RotK extended.
Kathy - -thanks for confirming the Imrahil- Finduilas relationship.
I had something else to say. . . what was it?
Oh -- yes! A&E's "Breakfast with the Arts" is featuring LotR on January 11th.
Also, a friend of mine heard that RotKEE might be coming out really early -- like in May. . . have any of you guys heard that one?
Also, a friend of mine heard that RotKEE might be coming out really early -- like in May. . . have any of you guys heard that one?
Oooh, if it's true, that's good news. But I've also heard that the RotKEE is going to clock in at 5 hours, and if that's true (which I hope it is), I don't see how they could possibly finish it that soon. (Though I guess not having anothing film coming out next year would speed things up.)
(So, really, I have no idea.)
RotK extended in May aleady?? Sweet if it is true. Wonder how much extended time it will have.
I heard the 5 hour thing too -- but imagine that not doing pick-ups, editing for another film will ease things a bit for them.
But that means that next Christmas -- no LotR. . . which is sad.
The LotR trilogy was the first movies that I have enjoyed from start to finish in a long, long, ever. They were so good they made me forget completely about the mediocreness of M*trix Reloaded and the absolute suckiness of M*trix R**volutions.
I can't see anything getting me in the theatres for a good long while. Or at least until or if Firefly happens. Then, I may have my mail forwarded to the theatres.
But that means that next Christmas -- no LotR. . .
What? Huh? - I could have sworn someone just said something about no LotR next Christmas but I was so busy what with the staring at the pretty pyramids....
I have a friend who knows nada about the books and movies (but knows I am a freak about them) who saw FotR for the first time last week. She called sooooo sad that Gandalf was dead. She must have seen a zillion trailers for TTT and RotK where he is RIGHT THERE. But - she actually thought he was dead. I tried to comfort her but...come on...that is freakishly un-spoiled.